
The Requirements For Obtaining....

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Sigh......thank you Richard but won't be required. I shall wear my #0004 proudly....although I did chime in at #3 and saw you had it assigned .
Even a princess can see when she is in error........;)***

by all means, please keep #0001, i've already made the change! it is my pleasure! i am all too happy to relent #0001 to you! B|

"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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5) you must own an automobile that "could" be considered a sports, or luxury automobile, even if it's a junker!

I drive my "soccer mom" van like it's a sportscar, does that count?;)

When its running. He Hee

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As proud yuppie skydivers we should print out the 11 yuppie commandments, frame them, and hang them up on the wall

great idea pop, i'll get on that tuesday morning! B| i shall e-mail them to those that request them.
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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4) you must have an annual income of at leat $12,000.00 a year, or be in college.

I think to become a "Yuppie" Skydiver one should make more then the minimum wage In the US.

$5.50/Hour X 40 Hours = $220.00 per week * 52 weeks = $11,440. I think at least 50 - 60K is better number.


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Lucky me, my car eliminates me from this one right out of the gate.

I don't know many professionals that make only $12,000/yr. I think it should be $120,000/yr to qualify (like a poorly paid physician or lawyer or college professor).

Good point prof. I mean, geez, you can make over $12k a year selling skydiving equipment.

Not much over $12k/year, but still.:P

You guys need to add a couple more commandments.
- Must have matching gear.
- Must own the newest, neatest skydiving related toys.

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1) you must be a sky diver! depends on who you talk to...some call me a skyfaller...

kewel, your still a sky diver! B|


2) you must be a dropzone.com member. That's true.

requirement met!


3) you must have an impeccable safety record. Does this mean in the sky, or driving, or workplace accidents, or small arms fire, or???***

this means at the dropzone :D

***4) you must have an annual income of at leat $12,000.00 a year, or be in college. Hmmmmm. Gross or take-home?

i ammended the income requirements to include 99.9% of the skydivers i know anyway! :)

5) you must own an automobile that "could" be considered a sports, or luxury automobile, even if it's a junker! [Wink] BLack Jetta, leather seats, stick shift 5-speed....does that count? The insurance co. thinks it is....

this is acceptable! :)

6) someone must have taken a "shot" at you for being a Yuppie, at least once in the last 6 months. Well, there have been shots taken, but no-one's called me a Yuppie....

Yuppie/Brat/Spoiled, all meet the criteria! B| by the way, Michelle, your a "Yuppie" there you've been called one!


7) you must conduct yourself with the utmost restraint, even under the heaviest of fire. Well, this leaves me out...I yelled at someone recently...and hung up on him...under extreme provocation, I might add...but still, that was not "conducting myself with the utmost restraint".

your personal life doesn't count! :)

8) you must give freely, and willingly to the newbies of our sport, giving back when you can . Hee hee, that's the fun part.

i'd say you have mosts of us beat in this department! :P


9) when you see a place where your "Yuppie" brother, or sister could, or is stumbling, you must render aid, if you can. I can usually tell when they're stumbling, but have no aid to render, as I usually am laying face down in the dirt at that time...cause it's me they've stumbled over...

then you can only benifit from being a "Yuppie!" ;)


10) last, but not least, be safe, have fun, and when you can, lend a hand. Done....

requirement met! and exceeded!!:ph34r:


So, I don't think I meet all the requirements...however, I will work harder to accomplish this, and someday, maybe years in the future but someday, I can join the august ranks of Skydiver Yuppie-dom! 'Til then, I shall strive harder, and reach for this new goal! ;)

as "Yuppie Sky Diver" # 0006, i exercise my right to proclaim you as a "Yuppie Sky Diver" if you wish to be a part of the fraternity!***
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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as "Yuppie Sky Diver" # 0006, i exercise my right to proclaim you as a "Yuppie Sky Diver" if you wish to be a part of the fraternity!

Kewlio! What's my number?

ohohohohno....wait a minute. I can't be a part of the "fraternity"...I have boobies....and they're real....:$.....B|...:)

Ciels and Pinks-

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Kewlio! What's my number?

"Yuppie Sky Diver" #0007..."Lucky 7!" :)

ohohohohno....wait a minute. I can't be a part of the "fraternity"...I have boobies....and they're real....:$.....B|...:)

we'll...uh...(cough...cough) make that exception, i'm confident there will be no resistance! ;)B|:S:D:ph34r: guys?? :)
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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heheheheeeeeee, I got lucky 7... "triple O Seven....".....one better than Mr. Bond.....:ph34r:


easy now girl! step away from the car....slowly, turn your back to me, and walk backwards towards my voice.....J/K!
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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Ok so where is the webpage that has all who have yuppie #s....even my Ugly Girls have their web page.

it's coming soon kelli! as soon as i get the rest of the pictures to brandon. i'll have it there...rigdog.com....it's coming, and it's coming as soon as i get off of my lazy tail, or stay away from an oil rig long enough to get it done! you patience is appreciated!! ;):):S:D:ph34r:
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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7) you must conduct yourself with the utmost restraint, even under the heaviest of fire

Hey Yuppies:

i almost busted this commandment myself with the "jack" thing! but i bit my tongue! :P man, that was hard to do. :D
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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