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Thanks mountainman....now can anyone help me get that pic reduced down to use as my icon? (said so sweetly in my mistress in distress vioce) :$

When you're going to extremes...you taste adrenaline!!

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or does skydiverbrian look like George Michael in that picture?

I thought maybe you were just poking fun......until I went and looked at it. Uuummm...yes...yes he does. :D Of course...I wouldn't mind looking like GM. I'm sure the chics dig him even if he has no interest. I certainly HAVE INTEREST!!!!

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(In a raised dramatic voice, rolling my eyes and thrusting my arms towards heavens)You are all digusting perverts! How can you trat women as meat. How will you be able to face your peers in Sunday School? Shame on you, shame and hellish fires. And I bet you have a stack of Playboys under your beds. (Close to a whisper) And I bet you curse and drink (whispering) beeeer. (Shouting) YOU WILL ALL FRY IN HELL. Halleluyah!!! (Gospel singers in the background, parishoners dancing and claping, old women fainting, maidens blushing, family fathers secretly drinking moonshine hidden in the pews)

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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If you want to use the one that Judere made for you, "right-click" your mouse on it, and choose "save as". Pick a place on your computer to save it and REMEMBER where it is.

Next, go to your "edit profile" section of these forums (above), and choose "edit profile" and then "user profile". You need to go to the part that says "upload new image" and then click the dot in there.

Next, click browse and find that picture you saved. ONce you do that, click 'save/ok" or whatever is there.

Be sure to go to the bottom of the page and save your changes.

Good luck! :)

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