
give me blue skies.....

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little white puffies with winds at 5-10mph, with temps of 85-90 degrees.
A friend of mine was saying that he prefers when it is overcast with 10mph winds and in the low 80s. what so I got to thinking what is everyone’s preferred jump weather??
if fun were easy it wouldn't be worth having, right?

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Little puffies are perfect with lots of blue in the background. I prefer the temp in the low 80's. I'm quite new to the sport and it is suggested that we land away from the hanger. That's fine by me, better safe and far away than close and not jumping. But the track back to the hanger is better in low 80's than 90's.

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Big puffies from 9000-5000. Great backdrops, and every once in a while you get near them and can see your actual speed. Weather like that also give you some shade, and can cause storms and the like on occasion - and I miss storms here in SD.

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Well, at first clouds scared me shitless, but now I just don't care. Any weather is good as long as it is safe (no thunderstorms)B|. As a matter of fact - will jump for food

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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