
base jump with paraglider

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jumpers are now doing this with BASE gear - its called a McConkey - sure Tom would be able to fill you in seeing that there is some vid of him doing one off the Perrine

I have also heard that people have started doing these off other of the 4 Objects................ phuq that! thats way outta my comfort zone!

Nice work Tom!


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That bridge is almost low enough to just jump into the water. Definitely a bungee bridge - would love to do a bungee head dip from that one. One thing you have to admit - that fine person has bowling balls in their pants.


My, my, my, said the spider to the fly


Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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jumpers are now doing this with BASE gear - its called a McConkey - sure Tom would be able to fill you in seeing that there is some vid of him doing one

We originally got the idea from the paraglider site referenced above. One of the Northern California jumpers is a long-time paraglider, and he posted the same link to the BASE board.

Shane McConkey saw it, thought it looked cool, and launched it off our local span. Then I did one in Idaho, and before you knew it some crazy Canuck had launched one off a building.

We're still trying to get McConkey BASE (the antenna is proving quite challenging for snag and wind considerations). Once someone can get off all four objects, I'm going to try to talk Shane into handing out numbers...

A short video clip is on the skydivingmovies ftp server. I believe it's just titled "McConkey", and it's in the "BASE" section. Someday, I'm going to get off my butt and put up a more comprehensive (and higher quality) video of it.

There's also a video (Mad World) still in the "uploads" folder that includes (among other things) a better quality clip of the same McConkey jump of mine.
-- Tom Aiello


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