
Lucy you got a lot of splanin' to do!

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so i'm a newbie and was wondering where folks come up with their screen names. I don't know if there is already a thread on this one but wtf...

so i was thinking about the state of the world many years ago, i think it was around the time of regan and the contras, and there was this book called the hundredth monkey... some tale about shift in global consciousness when enough people think of it together.... anyway i knew i didn't have a clue what they were scamming on for what reason, but mentioned in a converstion that i was not much better than a monkey on the beach, as far as knowing the whole picture of wtf was going on in the world for what reason.... and when i started thinking of screen names i translated it to Just Another Monkey in the Sky ~ JAMS then i find all this monkey stuff and figure hell we're just monkeying around so wtf.
So what's the source of your screen name...
~ a temporary reconfiguration of stardust

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Mine is fairly simple, actually.
Because of my real name (Matt), for some reason (hopefully not my looks), all my friends since high school always nicknamed me Mut. I just combined my nickname with my love of being in the sky.

A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.

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Actually, most are rather easy to interpret. It is the wacked ones that i was looking to understand. Although at this hour, they are easier to see under the influence of 100% Agave Azul!!!
(Lisa, does this mean you like to bytch?~It seems to me you have a rather blessed livelihood! or, do you have a child without a sponsor?)
I'm not so great at jello shots, as gelatenous substances never interested me, i will hook you up with some spectacular margaritas next weekend and then you can re-evaluate the frozen vs. rocks methods.....
i tried two hours the other night to respond to the post with that question, but kept getting knocked off the net... so much for AO heLL!

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Oh, you only have 600 or so.. GO for it.. Ask NAthan and Clay on some pointers and you 'll be back up there in no time...
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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Narcimund: Contraction of "Narcissus and Goldmund", a novel by Hermann Hesse. The two characters are polar opposites but very close friends. Narcissus is (in the novel) an abbot, strong in leadership, scholarship, and given to accepting responsibility at the expense of his own personal experiences. Goldmund is his student given to impulsiveness, sensuality, wanderlust, and very personal satisfactions.

Many years ago I read the novel and identified strongly with one character, but though I'd be a better man if I had the benefits of both. So I chose a joined name to remind me not to be just one at the expense of the other.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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Oh... I highly DOUBT that ;) You're averaging almost 4 posts a day now...
Think of it this way, would you rather make the effort for an obtainable goal now, or reflect at 3000 posts thinking If only I had done it then....
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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Think of it this way, would you rather make the effort for an obtainable goal now, or reflect at 3000 posts thinking If only I had done it then....

Am getting fast heart beats thinking about it... :)
this will be my last week as drenaline

edit line: am afraid... I wont do it... [:/]
one good reason: one of the most beautifull lady I have known still writes me at drenaline@dropzone.com ;)


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My Dad is Polish and he decided to be patriotic and so my names are JAN RAFAL. So it sort of sounds very official. Besides the Jan is pronounced Yahn. It drove me nuts to be called a Mrs. In effect I put J. Raf on my business card as it is short. Friends started calling me jraf - go figure what that comes out phonetically;)

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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