
Emporia Brava

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the web page is www.skyrats.com I think you will have some trouble geting a reply from them, they are kinda busy organizing the FAI competition that is soon to happen. You might have a better deal by calling them.

It's a nice place I heard, you can see skydivers from all over town, hotels are a walk from the dz and you get discount if you are a skydiver.

What the monkey said was right, you need AAD.


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Hi i jump there sometimes, its great the DZ is just round the corner from a great hotel called the Castel Blanc, which is chaep (they do a Skydiver discout as well) and its clean and very nice. The DZ flys mainly Porters and is busy all the time. Th Town is great and if you want some night life don't go out until at least 12pm as no one come out before this (yea, seriously) Good places to hang out at night are the Surf Inn and the Captin cabin. The food is great (so long as you avoid the crap tourist dives). Try and make sure your not the last out on a load as they don't tend to go round for a second run. The food on the DZ is pretty good as is the atmosphere. Avoid the DZ accomadation unless you have a thing about mildew. All in all a great DZ. If you are flying from the UK or elsewhere in Europe. Try flying Ryanair to Perpingion in France May have mispelt that) and rent a car its only an hours drive from Perpingion and the sceanary is great. B|
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Appreciate the information guys, ain't quite been with the program lately. B|
I have booked the whole of december off at work, will sort the flights out this week.
I may be staying in the bunkhouse while i'm there. Mildew ain't a problem either i will be bringing my own.

...Yeah that sleeping bag has seen some action. :(

-- Hope you don't die. --

I'm fucking winning

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