
LG cell phones

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Did PCS for two years. Dumped it after the avg. hold time for reaching a CSR dramatically rose to 20 minutes. PCS recently canned 3,000 CSRs a few months back, so "customer care" is somewhat slim. Their online site improved somewhat so you don't need to call them as often, except for things like broken phones and the like... then it's a nightmare trying to get a hold of someone.

I gave up waiting on hold for Sprint to replace a phone last year and switched to Nextel. Managed to get really great reception at the DZ now, to boot.

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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I tend to stick to motorolla - I've been using it for 5 years now. Previously I tried Nokia, Siemens and something I can't even remember. It is worth noting that Panasonic has REALLY great phones. Sadly enough TMobile/Voicestream does not offer them. As far as I am concerned the best Korean product is Taek Won Do. LG=Daewoo=Cheap Shit.


My, my, my, said the spider to the fly


Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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:|All wireless carries SUCK in one way or another. With the LG phone, you just picked a CHEAP, bad, phone. You pay for what you get! Try another phone and you will see a difference. The Samsung N240 is cheap too but a good phone. And I can assure you that Nextel is NOT better than Sprint....you need to do your homework!!!

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Through work I've carried ever model of Nextel there has ever been and I've carried 8 demo phones from every carrier under the sun (Ohio) (I love being the tech geek at work B|)

Everyone of them had some issue that I did'nt like. Nextels had a drop rate of almost 20% one month up here. Verizon is my personal carrier and it took getting the $200 phone to make it worth my time and energy to carry them. Sprint PCS was the coolest since they gave me a Palm phone.. but the plans suck. Cingilliar was middle of the road... but the phones were breaking all the time. ATT was a surprize and had coverage and phones... but would not deal on the contract so that wa a no go... I've came to like the more costly phones since they seem to last better then the cheapies...
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Motorola has not provided Sprint PCS with an upgraded or new phone. We are at the mercy of the manufacturer and right now....everyone has the V phone which Sprint does not want to carry the same phone everyone else has......just a numbers game....

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