
Time to fess up......

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Anyway, I remember 8 tracks. I don't remember when they came out, but I do remember my dad having one in his car. As for 45's, my stereo system has a turntable and I can play 45's as well as 33's. The same stereo has a 5 CD carousel. Boy the sound quality on the turntable really sucks.

And I'll admit another album I found...Neil Diamond.:$


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i listened to 8 tracks before...okay so it was mid 80s when i did and tapes had taken over but my mom still had hers from the 70's and i listened to it.......

as for my embarasing tape????.....probly have to be..........vanilla ice..yup, got it in the 5th grade......atleast it wasn't new kids on the block......

"i have no reader's digest version"

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It was sweet...a 1966 red with black interior. I realy didn't know what I had until later when my Dad sold it cause I had a lead foot. Good thing I'm from a small town where my Dad knew all the cops so at least I got away with speeding even if I did get caught. She wasn't a convertable but I have recently had a convertable one and loved it. When my daughter inherits my Highlander I am getting another one even though I hate to see old people in a convertable....at least I won't be seeing myself so oh well!

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Ok....I own a Right Said Fred cassette.....anyone remember their famous song??

"I'm too sexy..."

Ha, that was a fun song!!
ok, I have Styx, Sex Pistols, Starship, & ooh, really good one--Julian Lennon. Wow, I forgot I even had these tapes!
"What I want is what I've not got ,but what I need is all around me"-DMB

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Well, if I still had any of them, it would be music from all the metal/rock/hair bands of the 80's. Some Ratt, Poison, Warrant, Night Ranger, Crue, Def Leppard (loved them, had all their albums)...and probably some 'one hit wonder' groups.

A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.

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Well, if I still had any of them, it would be music from all the metal/rock/hair bands of the 80's

Fess up.. you had a Stryper album, didn't you?
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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hey... i like styx.......cartman has uterly butchered come sail away but i can forgive hime cuz he's funny as hell...........and don't knock em cuz they sang "mr roboto" just forgive em and think of thier other songs.......even though mr. roboto is sorta catchy...........

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Ok, my car has a tape player only, which is the only reason I still own these cassettes of course -

The embarrasing ones that I have to roll the windows up when I play them are -

Neil Diamond
Best of the 80's
Kenny Rogers Greatest Hits
The Bee Gee's Greatest Hits
Motley Crue
Def Leppard
Pat Benatar
Sheena Easton
Paula Abdul
George Michael
Chicago and yes,
Vanilla Ice...


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You get what you put in and people get what they deserve...

Paradise Theater was my first concert... Followed closely by AC/DC (For Those about to Rock" and Rush "Exit Stage Left"
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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hey... i like styx.......cartman has uterly butchered come sail away but i can forgive hime cuz he's funny as hell...........and don't knock em cuz they sang "mr roboto" just forgive em and think of thier other songs.......even though mr. roboto is sorta catchy...........

Cartman's version is great. All he needs is to hear a few lines & he's at it again! lol
The whole tape is kind of catchy...just not the tape you want to advertize you actually like! :)
"What I want is what I've not got ,but what I need is all around me"-DMB

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.. Iron Maiden and Armored Saint too...

ok.. now i'm officially in love..

I actually saw both thoose bands last year..
unfortunately it was the farewell tour for Saint...

not to mention having seen Deep Purple, Dio and the Scorpions in Vegas last month..
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Well it seems we all can agree that Vanilla Ice was the biggest music mistake.

Does anyone else think Michael Jackson's Thriller was an awesome album, but you can't stand him now. I can't even watch him on TV, he totally freaks me out!

Anything Motown was and still is awesome!


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Well it seems we all can agree that Vanilla Ice was the biggest music mistake.

NO NO NO... Milli Vanilli hands down... and BOY George, what the HE** was up wit dat?
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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