
Weekend Numbers

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Well, I don't see my first number changing much but at least we are still friends... (yeah I know I sound like a cliche)... As for number two...it will change tomorrow as long as weather permits. It rained today, which is cool 'cause we needed it BADLY. But, it shut the dz down for a several hours. I am pretty sure they flew around 6 or 7 pm after it cleared off. I dunno, I came home.

So, tomorrow maybe I will change the jump number. As for number 3, I don't know how I would get a first but you never know...

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bringing what? the jaccuzzi? unfortunately i couldn't fit that in my car to bring back with me. the only things i'm bringing to CK are me myself, my tent/etc, and a rig. maybe some clothes as well, but depends how much fits in the bag. My old rig's last trip to cross keys, how sad....

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2(number of times I finally got my sit right!!!!):5:1
First proper freefly jump in a year, first head down exit that's worked, first time I've got footage of me freeflying, first time I've flashed BOOBIES in the Otter for extra height!!!!!
Congrats to Matt for his 200th
Thanks to Oli and Matt for 2 of the most awesome jumps EVER!! Ps Footage will follow on my site (under construction!)
Oh and thanks to Jonesy for the 15oooft jump, even if I had to show BOOBIES to get it!!!!!!!

"I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with the earth...but then I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with a car either, and that's having tried both."

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0 because Christina's hasn't been a "lucky" girl:o
16 waahoo!!:D
one case for my first night jumps and one case for my first high altitude jump! What a freakin' awesome weekend! B|A big thanks to Spaceland for the night jumps and high alti jump!!
Can't wait for the four day weekend coming up! jump #200 here I come!:P

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No jumps Friday after work at 530. Apparently the last load went up at 4 and the 8 jumpers left were drinking skunky beer when I arrived. I bought a case of Corona, because I had a credit card. We only drank half of it since everybody was saturated with the skunky beer and wanted to get up early to train for Nationals. Did a 3 way with Harold and his daughter Heidi. Got packed packed and did a Cat. G skydive with dude with 16 jumps. It was challenging. Then did three formation loads of around 26 jumpers or so. I can't remember because I didn't know who was on the other plane until we landed. (It's also funny to be accross the formation and see somebody that you didn't realize was on the skydive.) The evening concluded with many beers, watching the last few loads go up. The post-sundown tandems were a kick to watch as well. Wonder what the video looked like. And thanks to my former students who were kind enough to buy beer and keep me saturated. Thanks, Carrie. No jumps Sunday, but already looking forward to Friday afternoon!

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ok....here's my numbers for the weekend...not too exciting...but still had a pretty good weekend with the coolest skychicky in the world....;);););)

1(times I broke the teacher;););):P:P:P):0(My rig is at Wings getting adjusted and it BETTER BE BACK SOON!!!! and Anne is still hurt from HER fall on her first day back teaching):0...not much to report on the beer front...well at least this weekend....;);););)

next weekend is the Labor day fun...too bad I have to work sunday...talk about the worst day to work of a three day weekend....>:(>:(>:(...oh well..will still be able to see Anne friday and saturday....:D:D:):ph34r:

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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2 major Sinus head aches Saturday:5:0

Did 3 freefly including a 3 point Freefly with Vallerina, and 2 canopy coaching jumps where the first one I jumped way too small of a canopy and just zoomed by the guy and the second one I was still too fast on... The second one I traded my Cobalt 150 for a SharpChuter 245 and was doing all I could to bump end cells... The other Guy was under a Skymaster 285...
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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First time I've contributed to a "weekend numbers" thread (virtual beer all around!).


Two, well, um, yeah.

Eight jumps (including two out of an airplane! It's been over a year, which is not good for my Stiletto landings), not counting the two more I'll do tonight.

Six beers (that's one at the DZ, two at home, and three this morning after a very full [4 jumps, five hours of driving] night last night).

And, the first time I met a DZ.commer in person (Hi Lummy!). I guess I owe you some beer the next time out.

Weird to be jumping out of a plane again (someone at the DZ cracked, "Hey, you do know this thing isn't attached to the ground, right?").
-- Tom Aiello


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1 water leak under the house:0:0

Time to call the landlord; yet another section of pipes need replacing...

My heel still hurts from last weekend so I stayed home all weekend. Downloaded lots of tunes, played with my dogs, visited a friend. Next weekend will be better ;)

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1 missed girlfriend who is out of town:8:5ish

Only got 8 jumps, did my 200th (and then some), am D qualified (need to take the test and fax it in), had a serious malfunction in the aircraft (see "Scary" thread), did some schweet FF, CReW and a demo, packed my ass off making some good $$. All and all, a pretty good weekend. All except the girlfriend being out of town part, but she'll be back Tuesday, so that's all good. :)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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8 jello shots in about 3 minutes....... tilt-a-girl!

11 fokkin AWESOME jumps! Including a 6-point headdown that rocked the house, and tons of other really cool freefly shit

lotsa firsts, including first headdown line (all previous docks were face-offs), first time in a caravan (no big woop), first all-out kick ass carve (only had a few seconds here and there before - this was full speed!!!! Schwing!!!!)

And if I haven't already raved enough about Skydive Orange before - it is the best DZ out there BAR NONE! People are top notch, pilots are aces (nice pun!), and the parties are EPIC! I love this DZ so much I am gonna move from my lovely home in Florida just to jump there! Long Live Orange!!!!


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Just chillin this weekend.Not too many up jumpers out and the number of up jumpers that could actually fly on their head was even lower. So....didn't do a whole lot. The case of beer was for ACTUALLY getting my first Mind Warp on a sit flyer. Didn't hold it very long because he was a slow faller so when I had to lose the drag from my arms to dock I just couldn't stay there. Oh well...made for nice video anyway. (Had outside video as well as mine. Thanks CG!!) Fun, relaxing, and safe weekend.

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1 (roll of toilet paper my kid flushed down the toilet....yes, ROLL. But he said it wasn't a big roll....lol. So I'll join Lisa in the plumbing woes category....callin' the plumber): 1 (jump and reserve ride): 1

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Damn, Clay.....

Okay....I'm so ashamed.....musta' had BAD BODY POSITION (It's from not gettin' any, I think). Got all twisted up. It was relatively uneventful. Opened up a little out of kilter, lines twisted, me spinning around backward wanting to cutaway. My buddy Britt was flying around down below me, so I waited a few secs for him to get out of my way before I chopped.... It was like, "Damn Britt.....MOVE!" as the spinning became somewhat faster, but not as violent as cutaway #1 a couple years ago. Once he was gone, I chopped and rode my slug of a reserve down for an EXTREMELY uneventful landing....can't swoop a DM135 (gonna have to downsize....lol).

Peas! (also no problem under a DM 135)
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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