
Norton AV 2003

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I was on a sales call last week, selling the product I've spent the last 2 years coding.

The application is at version 2.6.1, those numbers being major release, minor release, bugfix.

On one of my sales visits, the person I was meeting with asked me how our product can possibly be better then our compeditors, because they were at version 3.0, and we were only at 2.6.1.

Honestly, I can't blame them. Especially now with the trend having major releases numbered as the year (eg windows 98, 2000, office 2000, etc). Office 2000 IS better then Word Perfect 98.

And if Symantec came out with a 2003 and Norton didn't? People would assume that 2003 is better then 2002, and buy it - just because it's a bigger number.

I'm starting to believe that most major releases are purely done for maketing reasons.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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