
The Canuck conspiracy

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so really, this "animosity" between our countries.... It all comes down to Europe!!!! It's all the europeans fault!!!

note to canucks: notice the ruse... they'll never know now!!!

Did I just kill another thread?

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Well sort of...it's really just the French Canuks that we don't like.....:D

This appears to be degenerating... so before we really get into something that could turn bad... I'm going to walk away. :)

Did I just kill another thread?

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Merely joking!!! Nothing personal

Still, being french and all (not that you'd know it to meet me) I'm going to drop my "wit riffle" and walk away.

Anyhow, we have a meeting tonight to work out certain "bugs" in our master plan, and I need to prepare.

Did I just kill another thread?

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so we here in Cali can rest easily For now............

Good luck.....this is Georgia....we get guns issued with our Birth Cirtificates. ;) Seriously, the town where I live requires that you have a "Concealed Carry Permit" to live in the city limits. Keeps felons out in more ways than one.....B|

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Well, if you dropped one of yall's soldiers in Texas, he'd probably get taken out by some country boy anyways. By truck or rifle and remember, we have handguns...I know that's a new concept for someone form the land of Canucks, but we do... :)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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