
The Canuck conspiracy

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Your right it would solve thing...lol

France Pres: The us is pointing guns at us again...
US pres: ya'll smell funny.
World order: Ok you french guys take a shower, and You yanks stop pointing guns at people didn't we talk about this last week....B|

Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap.

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ahh don't worry you guys won't fry that many brains cells trying to figure out the metric system

We solved that long ago...Use our system or we'll invade your country!! Name a country that we have been at war with that didn't use the metric system. I think that's what it's really all about...:D

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We solved that long ago...Use our system or we'll invade your country!! Name a country that we have been at war with that didn't use the metric system. I think that's what it's really all about...:D

Nope, everyone uses the metric systme except you... and you go to war against everyone... this explains.:)

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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I don't mind an invasion every now and then. It gives me something interesting to watch on CNN, but Canada ? Most of the time, the countries are being invaded for a purpose. Currently, we are stocked up on bear fat, so I see no immediate need to invade.:ph34r::ph34r: However, we are currently testing solar energy in Florida. We could use some Canadians for their reflective value.B|

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"Well sort of...it's really just the French Canuks that we don't like....."

Amen brudda! Can I get a weetniz?!

Though honestly, you'ld like 'em more if you got 'Bleu Nuits' - softcore porn on late night public television in Quebec - not to mention how liberal the laws are on physical contact with strippers - I was trying to explain 'Pig Al's' in Hull to a couple of the Yanks I work with and that the girls get offended if you don't grope them. Needless to say they are waiting for Nortel to recover and contract us for some custom work so that we can do a trip to Ottawa, and of course, Hull.

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Exactly...we have the most guns so we can use whatever damn system we want.... Who's gonna say something??? I dare ya!!!!

two words, nuclear f*****g weapons.
-denis leary, american patriot.
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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