
Another BIZARRE news story

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Here's the short version of the lead story on our supper-hour newscast tonight:

A bizarre accident in Saanich this morning has left a
42-year-old man brain dead.
Saanich police say the man was riding his bicycle down a hill
near some woods when a deer jumped in front of him and he hit it.
The man was taken to hospital, but police say he has been
pronounced brain dead.
After the collision the deer ran back into the woods.
Police say the cyclist's speed may have been a factor in the
The man's family has consented to donate his organs for
transplant purposes.

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That sucks! In Louisiana a guy was killed when a deer was jumping across the rode at exactly the time his truck was going down the rode. The deer jumped through the side glass window and caused him to wreck killing the deer and the driver.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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I think it's better if they know that in advance of taking him off life support, so they can scoop the shit out and put it on ice immediately, instead of having to scramble to preserve stuff when the guy has been dead for a little bit already.

You can probably tell from my technical vocabulary that I'm not a doctor. But I imagine that's the reasoning.


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You should hear a story about FlyingFerret and myself fireroad bombing on our Mt. Bikes some years ago in Missouri. I ran off the road and into a very soft (thank god) fluffy Ceder tree after almost getting hit by a what looked like a 4 or 5 point buck. It scared the shit out of me, came from the woods on the left, bounded in front of me for a few yards then took off to the right. The damn thing almost hit me when it came on the road, though, I had to lock up both wheels to keep out of its hooves when it was infront of me, too. Which is one of the reasons why I lost control and hit the tree. I came away from that experience shaking from adrinaline, but with no injuries, luckily. Although, I wish I would have had one of my rifles with me...
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Yes, I jump at UHPC ... in just a few hours, too, if things work out right after work!

Last week we had a stroy about a deer that was being chase by a cougar thru a residential neighbourhood ... the deer jumped over a fence fleeing the big cat, but on the other side was a swimming pool -- and the deer drowned in it!

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