
tandem question?

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I have a friend that will be doing her first tandem Saturday. She is very excited and of course I can't stop talking how great this experience will be! I know it has been mentioned on here about the fit of the tandem harness possibly causing nausea. Could anyone address this problem for me or point me to the thread it was mentioned in? What should she be aware of to prevent any possible nausea or vertigo? Silly question?


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That depends on the system being used. For instance, the old Vector harnesses, if the shoulders where cranked down too tight, it resticted blood flow and could result in nausea. The new RWS system helps prevent that, although I am not familiar enough with the Strong system to say one way or the other, you'd want to talk to the TM about that.:)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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if she's not very big and has a good tandem master she can stand on his feet and that will help out a lot. Its a good question, I just don't know if there's much you can do about it. Maybe one of the motion type meds that don't make you drowsey?

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Thanks for the responses on this one!:)
Even though I didn't have any problems, I remembered reading about this possibility and want her to be able to enjoy this skydive!

So I take it the problem lies with the harness after the parachute opens and during the canopy ride?


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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"I am not familiar enough with the Strong system to say one way or the other, you'd want to talk to the TM about that.:)
We were using the "Strong system" on my tandem. It was very comfortable even though the straps were very tight. No problem with nausea. It may have created a smile on my face that lasted for a week!B|B|

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The tandem master should know how to make the harness fit correctly. I have noticed that after the parachute is open is when slight adjustments need to be made for comfort. Nausea usually has less to do with the harness than the person themselves. It is motion sickenss. Meds could work but I have noticed that giving the toggles to the student helps too. They feel in control and the vertigo goes away.

Side note here: I have never ever had a student puke on me yet:D knocks on wood...

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I just did my first tandem on Monday and I have motion sickness worse than anyone I know and did not have problem at all except for being a little queasy on the ground aftewards but I think that was just from all the excitement. It's just going take a long time for the bruises from the leg harnesses to fade....LOL. But that's ok, there will probably only be more.

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