
I did it!!!

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Ok after talking with Arlo. And having my girlfriend think its a good idea. I Also kind of agreed, I cut my hair.
Now to most people this isnt a big deal, But I trim maybe an inch a year off my hair, I have had hair down my back for 20 years. But to think of the children it would help (LOCKS OF LOVE). And Change might be good. It was hard to do Damm hard, lucky I had support with me or I might have changed my mind. Even the girl who cut it tried talking me out of it. But its done and a kid without hair is going to benifit from my loss so all is good. Oh yeah I like it. Not at first but its growing on me. I did a jump today without having to tuck it into a helmet and it rocked. And the overall judgement on the Dz is I look a whole lot better with short hair, Who would figure that? I think im an ugly cuss so anything could help. My gf likes it, I like it and everyone I have talked to likes it (well not Paxton but he is a hippie so I understand). Also Locks of love I think its at www.locksoflove.com is a good thing maybe if you have extra hair you might think about donating it (It grows back). Think about it, Do it and Take care

Small and fast what every girl dreams of!

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How short did ya go? I cut off a foot and a half earlrier this year and like yourself I chose to make some kids day. It felt great to know that someone was going to use what I had grown for so long hehe ....

So how short?

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I'm going the opposite direction. Ive never had hair this long before. Didnt realize it was such a pain in the ass. I'm in that awkward stage where the back is long enough to ponytail but the top and sides arent. So when you ponytai the back you get these stupid looking 'wings' sticking out of the side of your head.
Any suggestions?

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Great Job! Congrats! I donated hair a while back and am now just waiting for mine to get long enough to donate again! It's a great feeling to help out kids like that! I'm so glad to hear about more and more people doing it. And I'm sure you look great, but it doesn't matter what others think as long as you feel great!

"Life is either a great adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller

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Thats cool man! I have hair almost down to my waist and I've been thinking about cutting it too. I have a friend that just found out her cancer is no longer in remission.I told her if she decided to go back on chemo therapy then she was welcome to take mine,if she wanted it.I'm not sure if shes gonna do it or not.She said shes real tired of feeling bad on chemo.[:/]

But its still a good concept.

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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I got to wash it today big difference.

Yeah, bet you used waaaay too much shampoo the first time you washed it short eh?

I used to have hair to about nipple level. I cut it off about 4 years ago too! I wish I knew then that I could donate ('twas very nice hair :)I'm growing it all back now mind you, I am presently pulling out of the 'aukward' stage.

Anyway, congrats!

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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Don't believe Ray when he says he's an ugly cuss. He has beautiful, blue eyes, and he has dimples when he smiles. And, his hair was silky and pretty. He's really going to brighten the day of some little girl out there who needs a wig. He's coming over to repair my computer tonight, so I'll take a digital picture and post it.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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