
Skydive musicians

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[chant]We want footage!We want footage!We want footage!We want footage![/chant]:D:S

"I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with the earth...but then I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with a car either, and that's having tried both."

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Actually this took place 10+ years ago, but I'll se if I'm able to dig up som pictures.

(What about a freefalling symphony orchestra. That would be cool. Violins flying everywhere, kettledrums at 100 MPH+, oboes, trumpets, not to forget the harp at terminal velocity. What a sight it would be. Noisy too.)


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Talk about a hoot! I'm sure that you'll keep us informed. I'll look forward to hearing about your adventures in the city that doesn't sleep.

Thank you ... thankyou very much....

after being in Korea I am going to "the city that never sleeps" then when I leave there I am going to " SIN CITY" there is a reward after all!
any one got an instrument(musical, you gutter minded perv's) and wants to play ....just find me!
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Just a though.. are there any other musicians out there.

my main interest outside of jumping is scratch dj'ing, which has now reached levels of technicality where it can be likened to playing a musical instrument. I wouldnt say im that accomplished, but some of what the worlds best can do is just incredible.

"Skydiving is a door"

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not to forget the harp at terminal velocity. What a sight it would be. Noisy too.)

hmm now that is an interesting idea...there used to be an instument called an aeolean harp that was sounded by the wind, to make a particular tune..i wonder about building one specifically for freefall?
(with some sort of chute deployment..)

ps.. I play Bass and Saxophone as well..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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kinda on topic with this thread, this morning at our quarterly meeting my boss let me know that a group of us who play semiannually as a group (Called Passages) will be doing an original song called Reflections at a 9/11 Tribute on 9/11 at Roger Dean Stadium. I'm psyched!!!

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I play guitar and screw around with keyboards and drums, and I played tenor sax in my high school jazz band. I'm somewhat passively looking for a new band to jam with, so if anyone's in Illinois I'm available. The guys I'm playing with now are good but not very motivated... as in we have a show this coming Tuesday night, and it's the first we've played since last November.


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i started playing piano when i was 3 years old. did all the festivals and competitions through high school when i decided i wanted to be a vocal major. so i studied opera and graduated with a bachelor of music in vocal performance.

it really pisses people off when you sing show tunes on the ride to altitude :)
spiral out...keep going...

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Back in school I played violin, clarinet, oboe, harmonica and piano. Also messed around with a trumpet and bugle a bit. Never could figure out the guitar, but give me a wind instrument and a little time and I could make music with it.

I still play the harmonica and recently picked up a keyboard and dug out my old piano books, but I don't play nearly as often (or as well) as I usedta.

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i started playing piano when i was 3 years old. did all the festivals and competitions through high school when i decided i wanted to be a vocal major. so i studied opera and graduated with a bachelor of music in vocal performance.


I took piano lessons in the 6th and 7th grade from a nun in a convent. She wore a different whig every week and poked my wrists with a pencil. I lost interest until I started playing keyboard into my pc.

I travel the land, Work in the ocean, Play in the sky

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