
What was your worst injury from skydiving?

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Hey... Chicks dig scars, glory is forever....

My worst injury was a compressed vertebrea on a really baaaad landing last year. I actually have a bump in my back where the vetebrea is misaligned...

Anyone else wanna share? (if this has been done, shut me up)

Did I just kill another thread?

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August 4th, 2001... I was jumping into my bosses 20th highschool reunion, when i flared nothing happend and i went straight into the ground.

I broke my tibul and fibula (spelling not sure), and crushed the ligements on the inner part of my foot....

One plate, 4 screws, and reconstructive surgery on my deltoid ligement.

Don't take life too serious, you will never get out alive!

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I collapsed the canopy on my graduation jump about 20 feet in the air. Landed straight down on my ass and broke a piece of my tail bone and three vertebrea. I was out for two months. I waited two weeks after it stopped hurting and I was right back up in the air!B|

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i HATE shoes...so I reluctantly wear sandles w/ an ankle clasp while jumping...they don't call me PLFXpert for nothing (thankfully, for my past 30 jumps, the name hasn't applied)...I had come in and scrapped my foot and my big toe nail ripped off. Okay, I can take a lot of pain, but you have NO IDEA what that felt like. OUCH! It didn't rip off all the way so I just pushed it back down and about a week later, it fell off....mmm, sounds delicious, huh?;)

I also broke my pinky toe on that 14th jump I mentioned in the other thread. Nothing you can do about a broken toe and actually, it didn't hurt so bad. The toe nail hurt like a Be-atch.

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At the risk of being mocked by Nathan, I had a nerve traction injury in the wind tunnel at the beginning of my AFF training. Took 2 months to recover.:(

I know it is not a skydiving injury, but the intention was there!


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just downsized from a 250 to a 210 as i was coming in for landing i over shot the landing area got ground-rush never flaired and hit the taxi way full on no plf. i did have sense enough to turn to my side. i slide for about 8 ft, i was wearing sandles, shorts and a short sleeved shirt., and to make matters worse i had been at the lake the day befoe and was burned to a crisp. i limped for almost 2 months. the road rash healed very nicely. hardly any scars.
if fun were easy it wouldn't be worth having, right?

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Hmmm. I guess my worst skydiving injury has to be the time i scrubbed the knuckle on my right index finger when I stumbled on a landing. It was really bad. Had to wear a plaster for three or four days. It was a true nightmare.
Be careful, you hear, be careful.


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Balloon jump in Quincy last year, landed off the airport (of course) after I missed the power lines and the turned to miss the trees, I realized about a half second before impact that the ground was actually a hill going up and I hit in the middle of my turn, rolled up the hill and had :

2 black eyes
1 tooth broken in half
1 sore jaw
2 huge scratches on my face
1 spragned ankle
Tons of bruises on the left side of my body

Yeah....... it hurt kinda bad.
It's all on video though!!!!!

You might be a skydiver if... Your having sex and she whispers in your ear "I've never done this before" and you yell out "Case of Beer"

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My worst skydiving injury was riding a bicycle at 30mph and started to pass some drunk skydivers in a golf cart (damn, those golf carts) at this past WFFC a couple weeks ago.

It's all a haze, but I remember them leaning towards me, then the front tire began to fishtail, and I went *BOOM* chin-first into the pavement RIGHT by Martini Shot Films. ;)

Got a concussion, some skin tore off my hand, knees, and chin. Got 5 stitches in the chin, busted lip, and road rash that turned black on the right side of my face.

Spent the next day on sleeping pills, then came back the day after that feeling like crap, but had a bunch of skyvan and two biplane tickets I had to use, so I spent the rest of the convention jumping my ass off. :)
Boy, does cold uncompressed air feel good on fresh flesh wounds! Sure felt like hell and started throbbing when I got back to the ground, though. ;)

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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I am jealous.....

Well, it's not really quite as perfect as it seems.

Probably the most embarrassing is I sprained a wrist while packing and I sprained an elbow while climbing out. I have also had a couple of firm arrivals from sinking in a little too hard during PRO type accuracy landings.

Still, nothing a little Aleve wouldn't deal with and get me back in the air the next day.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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