
Addictive sport

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Ever since I started skydiving, I can't think of nothing else. Just wants to go to the DZ and stay there.

Everything else is just so dull, and I'm getting depressed. Sometimes I think back how nice it was to be a whuffo and not knowing what you're missing out of.

Will this ever pass, or should I just surrender and move to a caravan at the DZ????

There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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Is this the end of my world as I know it. I have passed the point of now return. Tumbeling down the rabbit hole. I've taken the red pill...

--- oh how dull the winter is gonna be!!! ---

There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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im up to the stage now where during the week im just daydreaming about skydiving at uni in lectures
I know what you mean..sometimes i wish I was a whuffo again so i wouldnt be so depressed during the week..as they say 'ignorance is bliss'

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I feel the exact same way. Being new to the sport....I am hoping that it will pass a little. Because my first instinct is to sell everything and spend all my time at the drop zone. This just doesn't go along with my usual "responsible" self. What has skydiving done to me???

When you're going to extremes...you taste adrenaline!!

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