Painted toenails

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Will someone please explain to me why some guys at the DZ paint their toenails??? Not that it doesn't look attractive :D, but the logic escapes me.

G. Jones

"I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."

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Chicks dig it!!

I hate to agree with Clay, but i love painted toenails on a guy. Of course if they had them painted bright pink that wouldn't be attractive...but a nice blue or purple...


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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On the way to altitude I noticed a guys toenails painted baby blue.I asked him about it and he said he was with a girl the night before and she had gotten bored..so the rest of the way to altitude we razzed him about not being able to keep her "entertained"...heh! ;)

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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If I had a million dollars, I would buy you an emu.

How about a Caravan, a pilot, and a new Mirage instead ;)!

G. Jones

"I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea."

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Not that it doesn't look attractive , but the logic escapes me.

Well, there is very little logic concerning the fact that men paint their toe-nails, but there is logic in the fact that they paint their "toe"-nails. It allows them to enjoy the activity, while also enjoying the ability to easily conceal it.

Yeah, no humor here, but you asked. :)


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There are just very few real men left in the USA anymore...
Why I remember when no man would dye his hair or do other things reserved for the fairer sex. The WHO just recently reported that the USA has the fattest people per capita on earth! (Ohio is the worst) Men are gettin' soft and sissified!! ;)Sperm counts are dropping, guys NEED Viagra.
We are a "kinder and gentle nation". Wake up men!
It's time reclaim our lives! Reclaim the workplace!Stand up! Speak up!
Get women back into the home where they belong, and keep them barefoot and pregnant!
And stop paintin' them toenails!!!!
"Slow down! You are too young
to be moving that fast!"

Old Man Crawfish

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Well, there is very little logic concerning the fact that men paint their toe-nails

Not to be picky, but do you find any logic in the fact that women paint their toenails?

speaking of toenails, i'm trying to paint mine matching my canopy, but couldn't find yellow nailpaint yet. hm. still looking B| - and when i find it, i have to think how to paint 10 toenails like 9 cells (or should i just cut off one toe? :S

(Home @ http://www.fallschirmspringer.net/)

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I'll stray off the subject a little, me being a female but, I have yellow nail paint, it wasn't really hard to find. In fact, I paint my toenails each one a different color!


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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