
soooo, what compels the male...

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My wife and I have finally come through the hostile stage. We had to get better at getting along cause we had this audience all the time (the kids). People at the DZ are always saying how lucky I am that she's supportive, and she is, but she had no choice. I skydive on Saturdays unless there's some pressing family obligation. She can be happy, or she can be miserable, but I'm skydiving so let's find a way for her to be happy about it.

The choice between happy and miserable is a conscious one. I think a lot of people don't realize that. A person can bitch about toilet seat placement, or they can reconfigure the toilet to suit their needs. Celebrate the fact of the toilet! How wonderful to not have to put your shoes on in the middle of the night to do your business! If a person has to bitch about a toilet seat, they should celebrate that their life is that good.

We're getting on the motorcycle this afternoon and motoring up to Reno for the weekend. Nobody knows me better, and she doesn't know me all that well, and we're changing all the time anyway.


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Does this dress make me look fat?

No. The fact that you reflect light makes you look fat. I'd explain the physics to you, but you're too stupid to understand it.


Wanted: Room to rent. Single White Male, recently divorced.......

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We can't get a word in edgewise cuz you won't shut up.

Heh... very very funny.......coming from a pilot that can talk about himself for hours with out anyone getting a word in edgewise.....:D

Sorry Hon...couldnt help myself....:)
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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HEy , remond the womean YOU ARE THE ONE TAKING THEM TO ALTITUDE...they wont kick you...and they have to show bboies if they want MORE!

This doesnt work in this case...I can go get on the other plane...im sure the other Chris would take me to altitude......B|

And I dont think him seeing my boobies will get me any more altitude.....see's them all the time....:P
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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Quoting a mid-level philosopher (if he was great, I would remember his name): Everything men do, they do for women. Fight wars, climb mountains, split atoms. The typical thought pattern for a guy is: "Women, women, women, the light is green I can walk, women, women, women, where'd I park the car, women, women, women,..."

The only time men don't think about women, is right after they have been with one. History doesn't support this, but I bet this is the exact time when Albert Einstein rolled over and said, "Oh yeah, E = mc^2! I see that now."
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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the question... what posses you guys to do the things you do... I Just don't get it... do you mean to hurt us when you say things or do you just not realize that they are going to be hurtful... Blue Skies, Safe Flys!!!!!!!!


A) This is a massive generalization
B) The following comments are regarding 2 people, regardless of gender.

When something is said and it is hurtful, there are 2 sides...the one that says it, and the one that interprets it. The one that says it is not ALWAYS the one that is wrong. That being said, there are things that men say to men, women say to women, and women say to men, that are also hurtful...this isn't just something that "men do".

Now here is my question...why is it that women take such pride in being so hard to understand, laugh at guys for having to work so hard, and then turn around and act hurt and upset when we say something "wrong" (I put wrong in quotes, cause it may or may not actually be wrong, but that it how it is interpreted).

I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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"When something is said and it is hurtful, there are 2 sides...the one that says it, and the one that interprets it. The one that says it is not ALWAYS the one that is wrong."

Finally!!! Somebody else that "gets it!" Thank you O-Wise-One.



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I believe that the root cause of Relationship problems has more to do with Change or the lack there-of.

(/Begin Stereotype)
Female evaluates potential mate. She looks for a guy that can be molded into her perfect partner. She knows he has a few flaws but feels that over time she can correct them.

Male evaluates a potential mate. Finds a girl and likes her just the way she is.

Over time, The Female changes and the Male does not.
Man is left asking what happened to the great girl I started dating. Female left asking why wont he Grow Up!
(/End Stereotype)

When all else fails, Learn from the Penguins. Shinny Rocks can get you laid!!

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Aren't you supposed to be doing some work right now? You know they can track you.

Whatever! >:(

Im sorry...am I invading your turf dear? (hee hee hee...snicker snicker)

(gonna be in all kinds of trouble when I get home!...LOL, My plan is working......bawahahaha)
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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Oh come on...he knows im kidding....I hope?[:/]

He has every damn right to be proud...he busted his ass to get where he is...It was not handed to him on a silver platter....

She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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"When something is said and it is hurtful, there are 2 sides...the one that says it, and the one that interprets it. The one that says it is not ALWAYS the one that is wrong."

Finally!!! Somebody else that "gets it!" Thank you O-Wise-One.



Now now Merrick...perhaps you should crawl back in the hole where I keep you ;) You and I both know there is only one side of the story that matters...mine! And, of course, I am always right. The sooner you accept this the happier your life may get :P

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for the most part I don't think you are all assholes and mean just that you need to think sometimes before you speak...

Maybe it's a good thing when you get your feelings hurt. Maybe we should do less thinking before we speak. There's nothing wrong with speaking frome the heart even if it uses nasty language! That's how a relationship evolves! Maybe he meant what he said. Whatever it was and you have to be strong and deal with it! However you choose. If it hurt you bad enough, Tell him to F*CK OFF! Besides don't you know that if you're a chick that skydives you have incredible odds in your favor. You can pick and choose a new guy evry week if you wanted too.

Yeah, Booty rations. Give it up;)

I travel the land, Work in the ocean, Play in the sky

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mean just that you need to think sometimes before you speak...


Um...that goes for more than just men...

...I am editing my post and statement...

This problem seems to apply more to males than to females...although females are still subject to the statement...I would say to the females, though, think more before jumping to conclusions as to what something means, or taking offense to a statement...this, as well, applies to some men.


I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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JumpNFly said . . .

Figured we needed a separate post just for this topic... we are working on the female answer, But I think we deserve a bit of an explanation as well... by now, you all know that women are emotional creatures...we thrive on "the way we feel", and also the way MEN, make us feel... Not saying that dictates our lives, but when it comes to many of the conflicts between men and women, this seems to be the root of the problem.

we like to talk, you don't
we like to FIGURE OUT WHATS Wrong, you just want to be left alone...

A compromise has to be reached somewhere people...

To which jtval replied . . .

ok you lost me...Um what is the question?

Which is, I think, exactly the issue.

See here's someting I've noticed. Women will sometimes make a statement that, to a man, doesn't require an answer or explaination because, in effect, the woman already has answered it. However, the woman expects the man to agree with them AND justify his position in terms which will be acceptable to the woman.

The man, on the other hand, doesn't see any need whatsoever to even respond. He knows he's just going to lose no matter what he says because the statement didn't really require an answer to begin with!
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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""Do I look fat in this dress?". Is there really a correct answer to this question?"
There are two wrong answers and the secret correct answer. "No" is a wrong answer because you are just lying to protect her feelings. "Yes" is a wrong answer because that makes you an uncaring, insensitive ba*****.
The correct answer is one that I used to give my ex. "You are better looking than any of your friends or any woman your age". I had told her something with an element of truth and complemented her. However, she wanted to be better looking than all the 19yo honeys. Therefore, in 15 minutes, she put on her running shoes and was off to lose the weight. A little work and she would be "perfect". I was saved.
The key to dealing with women is honesty. Once you learn to work around that, you're in! ;);)

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Penguins need stones to build their nests.
Shortages of the stones have seen female
penguins trading sex for stones - the only
known instance of prostitution in the animal

Negative - Bonobos do it for food.

Bonobo's are awesome.. They also apparently have orgies for fun. (what would happen if we showed them the power of beer?)

I travel the land, Work in the ocean, Play in the sky

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