
Piercing question..I'm desparate

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Totally not skydiving, of course, but I figured in our mixed group here someone might have a clue, because I don't. I have a nose screw for a while now, and decided to take it out to put in a different one last Saturday. To make a very long story short, the jewelry I had got sucked, I couldn't use it and now can't get the original one back in. I have a nose stud in now to hold things open, but I for the life of me can't figure out how to get the damn screw back in! After much pain and some blood, I'm desparate. Thanks if anyone knows how to do this!
Closing pin jewelry

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a pair of needle nose screw drivers, a bag full of rubber chickens and lot of wiskey...... to tell the truth i have no idea.... always only had barbells of one kind or another in my self and never inmy nose..... my guess..... lots of wiskey and pressure..........good luck...somebody here is bound to know

"up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro dz.com boogie

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I'm afraid it's back to the piercer for you, missy. Let a professional deal with it. You really shouldn't fiddle with it anymore; you'll damage the tissue.
Why do I like piercings so much? Just reading this thread made me want to pass out, yet I'll happily offer body parts to a crazy man with a hollow-point needle.
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How's that saying go? Oh yeah:
"Righty tighty, left loosey"
Yeah, I'd recommend going back to the piercer. I hada GF who had to take hers out (And I put them bck in in the hospital room, but that's anotherstory)and one closed up in a little more than a day.

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Why do I like piercings so much? Just reading this thread made me want to pass out, yet I'll happily offer body parts to a crazy man with a hollow-point needle.

i think i'm in love....... nothing is better (well almost nothing) than a piercied woman........ now what ya gona get done next is the question..... i got about all i can get (3) without it showing in my uniform.....

"up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro dz.com boogie

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Hmmm....now you guys got me thinking, I've been wanting to get my belly re-pierced. It was pulled out a few years ago in a club while I was dancing....(Long Story) Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has had it done. I've heard it hurts A LOT worse the second time.

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I've heard it hurts A LOT worse the second time.

You know, I had the same kind of thing happen to my navel piercing, and I wandered into a piercing shop to ask. "Nah, it doesn't hurt any more to get it done through scar tissue," the piercer told me. He had so much metal in his face that I had to put on sunglasses to talk to him.
I said, "I think you and I might have different ideas of pain," and toddled out.
But...the pain is so brief, that "worse" is kind of irrelevant, I think. Go for it!
Pet me! I'm harmless and cute!

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well, the question i have for ya is a little personal but it is a forum pastime.... do YOU have the (your) BOOBIES pierced???? that i think is the sexiest on a woman and how couldthey fire ya for that... a nice looking nose piecing is also cool (like the dawson's creek chick has in "disturbing behavior") now i got both my nipples done and it's not that bad i swear...... course if ya do get em done then you'll have t post proof!!! ;) :S (i know i'm gona get smacked (in a bad way) if i ever get the chance to meet ya.......)

"up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro dz.com boogie

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Hey, you could always get it done on the bottom part of your navel instead.
I had to get mine done on the bottom, because there is not enought flesh on the top bit. Also, it heals much better.
The body piercer I went to has piercings everywhere (I mean everywhere) but, he said the one place he would not pierce himself is the top part of his navel.
I've had mine for about 7 years and naver had a days trouble.

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You know Jessica, I don't know! It's rather hilarious because no matter what, the thing I was most determined to do is NOT leave the hole empty to grow up :D The funniest thing is when people ask why I have my nose and tongue ring, all I can say is "I don't know. I just like them." *shrug*

How's that saying go? Oh yeah:
"Righty tighty, left loosey"

ROFL! I actually thought of that as I was trying to get it in! haha
Ah well, the stud will do for now, and I'll go have someone put the screw back in later. I actually like the stud (haha..stud..who wouldn't? :D) but it just doesn't feel secure and I'd hate to lose it taking my helmet off or something.
So Jess... have em done? I actually think the nether regions is more attractive on a woman then that, unless she has very nice ones (or fake) that won't sag. I'm afraid that over time it'd look like someone had grabbed them and stretched out my boobs! LOL!
Closing pin jewelry

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Be aware of the nipple rings.... I had both of mine done, one was a total hack-job so I took it out about an hour later, the other I had for about 6 years. When I broke my leg this summer I had to take it out for the surgery (something about some shit that might ground out & shock me LOL). When I was finally coherent the first thing I did was put my tongue ring & my nipple ring back in. I HAD an 8 gauge tongue ring & could only fit a 14 back in it, and I couldn't for the life of me get my nipple ring back in! :( NOW, my nipples are so sensitive I can barely stand for anyone to even touch them (right Pamela), let alone go get them pierced again.... Moral to the story, don't get hurt so that you have to get surgery.... It will make your nipples sensitive! lol
"Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"

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My fiance had her nipple pierced, just one, as a surprise for me. What a great surprise!!!!!!!:)I love nipple piercings on women, but like someone said before, I think Pammi, it really depends on the breast and the nipple....but it looks great on her....nice to play with...leading too....mmmm I better stop now, I am at work :D
"We cannot do great things, only small things with great love" Mother Theresa

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Don't know if it'll help, but when I went to a smaller guage ring for my PA I got a little over zealous and bought one a little too big. I tried like hell to get it through and couldn't. I finally had a friend use a little lubricant and a bit of force to run it through. Only problem was I reopened it a little and the lube got it infected. If you use this method make sure to clean all the lube out really well after.

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Maybe someone could get peircing that would enable them to not have to deal with all that "harness" crap. Just have the biggest ring of the 3 ring system be the piercings . . .
"Can't keep my mind from the circling sky. Tongue-tied & twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I."

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