billvon 3,030 #1 August 12, 2002 Of the 40-45 jumps I made at the WFFC this year, 35 or so were organizing for low to mid time jumpers. I generally gave the group the choice of aircraft. Left to my own devices I use Otters for groups of 3-7, tailgates for anything bigger than 8. Most jumpers new to the convention wanted a tailgate since they'd never jumped one before. I did notice an odd trend, though - of the people who wanted tailgates, most (80%) of the people there avoided the Skyvan like the plauge. Why, I wondered? Was it because it was so butt-ugly? Noisy? (It's noisier than the Casa but not by much.) No, they were afraid of the door. "It's hard to open!" they said when I asked them. "And you have to sit right by it, and you can't close it all the way." When I pointed out that you really could close it all the way they did not relent. When I told them that I would open the door for them they'd still worry - "why can't we just take the Casa?" Never mind that the Skyvan was a bit faster than one of the Casas and much faster than the other one. These people were willing to take a longer ride to altitude (and, often, a longer wait in the tents) to avoid that door. Now, anyone who's opened a Skyvan door knows it's really pretty easy, even if you have to do it yourself. With help it's a piece of cake. Are we really getting so lazy that we prefer a slower aircraft (one with a slightly smaller tailgate to boot, with elbow-smashing lips) just because the door gets opened for us? I was talking to Bryan Burke about this one day, and he said "Well, it won't be long before we're paying $75 a jump so someone can follow us around and pack for us, open the airplane door for us, pick us up when we land out, and have a cool drink for us when we get hot." "I'd pay $75 a jump for that!" said someone who was eavesdropping. I guess I got my answer. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bbarnhouse 0 #2 August 12, 2002 QuoteI was talking to Bryan Burke about this one day, and he said "Well, it won't be long before we're paying $75 a jump so someone can follow us around and pack for us, open the airplane door for us, pick us up when we land out, and have a cool drink for us when we get hot." Bwahhhhhhhhhhh and no Bill I haven't gone on that date!!! I wonder why........... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nws01 0 #3 August 12, 2002 I would not pay $75 dollars for it. $20.00 for the jump $5.00 for the pack job Someone will open the airplane door for free. Someone will eventually pick you up when you land out. Get a girlfriend and she will usually have a cold drink for you. I just started packing again. I was pretty lazy for awhile and missed out on a few loads because the packers were behind and my rig was not always ready. Packing is a pain in the backside but now I am more confident in my jumping sense I had a couple of malfunctions using packers. I know exactly how it was packed and know it was not rushed. Although sh?t will always happen and probably will again sometime in the near future it is nice to be more proactive and pack for yourself. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ywoodya 0 #4 August 12, 2002 I have jumped from the skyvan a number of times and have had to open the door by myself plenty of times too. I know what you mean, I've seen people standing right beside me and they seem afraid to even go near the door until it is secured. I don't see the issue with it, you just do what needs to be done, make sure it's locked into position and the hooks are up and wait for that light to turn green and start ringing like mad.yeah whatever! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TEB6363 0 #5 August 12, 2002 Quote~I thought Sebazz was a fish!~ Bwahhahhahhhhhhhhhhh. I don't hang around here enough Once the plane takes off, you're gonna have to land - Might as well jump out!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bbarnhouse 0 #6 August 12, 2002 Oh I love the skyvan, but of course as one that sits near the pilot, I don't have to deal with the door. I have however heard some folks yell at those sitting near the door to close it. Bad form dudes...maybe...they aren't lazy, maybe.......they don't know how. *enjoys her swim at the low end of the gene pool Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skymedic 0 #7 August 12, 2002 My GF and I just land we both can't get the cold drinks for each other...oh's all good...all though the other day while I was packing(she always packs faster than I)...she went off and did get me a cold bout that...what a girl.... Marc otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skymedic 0 #8 August 12, 2002 oh yeah...yet one more reason to be a reason to worry about the door....oh but your gonna get hosed on the spot cause the fricken belly fliers dont know how to get organized quickly....... Marc otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bbarnhouse 0 #9 August 12, 2002 Quoteoh but your gonna get hosed on the spot cause the fricken belly fliers dont know how to get organized quickly....... 14-15-16.....go already? @ medic.......^5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #10 August 12, 2002 Quote . . .oh but your gonna get hosed on the spot cause . . . I've seen no law that says ya can't look out the door yourself before ya jump. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deuce 1 #11 August 12, 2002 Quoteas one that sits near the pilot What? To give a better view of your "altitude encouragers?" Man, I LOVE the van! I got to jump it a Perris. Heave that big ol' mechanically counterbalenceterated submarine clangy "SECURE THE DOOR AYE!" latchemabob. Then slither on your belly like a reptile to the outside steperator, hang there with your back to the planet waiting for whatever the hell there doing up th..THERE THEY GO! Wheeeeee! Plus, that thing climbs at what, a 45 degree angle? We're supposed to have one for the Byron Boogie in late September, I hope only about 20 people want to jump it so there's more for me! Mememe! It's 4:30! I'm out of here! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bbarnhouse 0 #12 August 12, 2002 QuoteI've seen no law that says ya can't look out the door yourself before ya jump LOL ok've obviously never gotten the "get outta the fu*($%ing plane!" Bwahhhhhhh 2 /1/2 miles out.............roflmao Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skymedic 0 #13 August 12, 2002 another reason I LOVE mullins king do actualy get the fuck out on time....the other day I told one of the casa pilots that we had a couple of BIG ways in front of see if he could give em the green light a little early...he said ok....wouldn't ya know it...they actualy left ON anne and I were right over the was sweet....go figure..second to last out of a casa and we were right on.... Marc otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nws01 0 #14 August 12, 2002 Quote2 /1/2 miles out.............roflmao I went to jump at Skydive Atlanta and I was inside talking to Clay in between jumps. Somebody comes inside and says, "All the jumpers got out WAY to early and they are not gonna make it back!" The plane landed and the pilot said he accidentaly hit the green button a few miles out. When he noticed it was on he turned it off and turned around and everybody had already gotten out. He was a good two miles away from the DZ when he noticed it. 5 miles when he hit it. They were all freefliers too. Nobody even thought about spotting! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skymedic 0 #15 August 12, 2002 QuoteLOL ok've obviously never gotten the "get outta the fu*($%ing plane!" Bwahhhhhhh 2 /1/2 miles out.............roflmao Quade...I always do look out the door...probably one of the few that do...even if I am last out...but there is no way in hell the skyvan is gonna make a go around for three of us....even if we were 2 plus miles was the total..."GET THE FUCK OUT"...look......oh well... what would you know just take pretty pictures of people on there bellys!!!!! (by the case you dont know...that is TOTAL sarcasm and NOT a personal attack...) Marc otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,030 #16 August 12, 2002 >you've obviously never gotten the "get outta the fu*($%ing plane!" > Bwahhhhhhh I must have gotten that a dozen times last week. A middle finger held up is an appropriate response; it would be unlike me to put my group in danger of landing out (or, worse yet, hitting that cessna I didn't have time to look for) because someone was impatient. On one Casa load we got into position on the red light. On green I said "Tighten up . . . tighten up" while the everyone else on the load screamed "Go!" One woman walked over to us to yell at us, yelling "green means GO!" I said "Ready - set - go" and we were out. She later remarked that if we took 30 seconds in the door we were going to hose everyone else. I told her we were out in under 5, and that's about as fast as you can position, give a count to, and launch an 8-way. She claimed no way. I offered to let her see the tape from my belly camera and time it herself (with the handy timecode on the top of the tape, and the reflection of the green light in a faceplate) and she walked away muttering. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jessica 0 #17 August 12, 2002 It's not laziness, it's FEAR! Opening that Skyvan door is as scary as shit! I rode it two or three times last week, and on one of them, Anita and another guy offered to open it. The light came on, and they were hopping up and down on it and couldn't get it open! One side would unlatch but the other was stuck and I was terrified I was going to watch someone fall halfway through that gap and break his or her leg or crack a jaw. Eventually, a third person had to come help with it. Anyway, THAT'S why I don't like it. Personally, I'd rather ride the otter than the Casa, cause even though I love the tailgate it IS pretty slow. And you'll be glad to know that my soreness abated by Wednesday and I packed for myself all day. So there.Skydiving is for cool people only Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hobbes4star 0 #18 August 12, 2002 bwahhhahahahahah.... just kiddingif fun were easy it wouldn't be worth having, right? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #19 August 12, 2002 Quoteyou've obviously never gotten the "get outta the fu*($%ing plane!"*** Are you sure?!? I just get it on the OTHER end of the jumprun. What's the freekin' deal with people at the front of the plane anyway? They see the green light come on and suddenly they think they know where the plane is in relationship to the DZ. I'd say that about 80 percent of the jumps I've made in the last 12 months, I've been the one closest to the door and spotting. I'd say that most of the time when people question the spotter's decision to not climb out immediately, the spotter is right and the people that aren't looking out the door are wrong. I'll admit I have made a mistake or two, but we all do. Yes, there is the time I spotted for a 16-way a couple of months ago and didn't take into consideration how freeking long the climbout was going to be (damn near 30 seconds). What can I say? I was too used to the length of time for a 4-way climbout, but I nailed it on the next load.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites bbarnhouse 0 #20 August 12, 2002 Um No I don'tneed to do anything to enduce extra altitude....Monk just gives it to me cause he's good to me. Coursse he did give more to Zenister cause the gal in front boobied him.....can't go against much for morals bwahhhhh. QuoteA middle finger held up is an appropriate response roflmao yeah only you Bill....... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites billvon 3,030 #21 August 12, 2002 >I rode it two or three times last week, and on one of them, Anita and >another guy offered to open it. The light came on, and they were > hopping up and down on it and couldn't get it open! Well, there's your problem! Hopping up and down on it doesn't work that well. >One side would unlatch but the other was stuck . . . If that's the case the guy on the far side was pulling, not pushing. Doug did that to me on one load. Amy and I were going to open the door, but Doug insisted that he wanted to help. So as I pushed down on the right side he hauled _up_ with all his might. I got the latch open, but I had to hammer on it. >and I was terrified I was going to watch someone fall halfway >through that gap and break his or her leg or crack a jaw. Well, I often fear someone is going to drop our Otter door on someone's leg or ankle and break it - people are always trying to close the door while sticking a body part in the way to "get some air." Solution, of course, is to not drop the otter door on people's legs. I think it's all in what you're used to. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites quade 4 #22 August 12, 2002 Quoteyou just take pretty pictures of people on there bellys! Actually, I bet I have more dark-side jumps lately. Been fooling 'round with sit and back flying. I need a few more weapons for the camera flyin' arsenal. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites bbarnhouse 0 #23 August 12, 2002 QuoteActually, I bet I have more dark-side jumps lately. Been fooling 'round with sit and back flying. Oh Quade now you're talking my language Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skymedic 0 #24 August 12, 2002 Well when I come out to perris in can take pretty pictures of me playing on the darkside.... Marc otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites PhreeZone 20 #25 August 13, 2002 >Well, there's your problem! Hopping up and down on it doesn't work that well. I watched 3 people hopping on it and kicking it time after time to get the thing open. Its just not commfy to have to sit on the edge of the bench either. The way the benches were split the odds were much higher that I'd be sitting on a bench edge in it then the Otter or Casa. Personally... I took the King Air when ever I could because 8-9 minutes to 14400 is just nice.(too bad Mike had to slow it down a bit) The Casa's were dog slow at WFFC this year, most times they are faster then that, and the Skyvan.... some one needs to take the plane out of its tin box.Yesterday is history And tomorrow is a mystery Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead × Your previous content has been restored. Clear editor × You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL. Insert image from URL × Desktop Tablet Phone Submit Reply 0
bbarnhouse 0 #20 August 12, 2002 Um No I don'tneed to do anything to enduce extra altitude....Monk just gives it to me cause he's good to me. Coursse he did give more to Zenister cause the gal in front boobied him.....can't go against much for morals bwahhhhh. QuoteA middle finger held up is an appropriate response roflmao yeah only you Bill....... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,030 #21 August 12, 2002 >I rode it two or three times last week, and on one of them, Anita and >another guy offered to open it. The light came on, and they were > hopping up and down on it and couldn't get it open! Well, there's your problem! Hopping up and down on it doesn't work that well. >One side would unlatch but the other was stuck . . . If that's the case the guy on the far side was pulling, not pushing. Doug did that to me on one load. Amy and I were going to open the door, but Doug insisted that he wanted to help. So as I pushed down on the right side he hauled _up_ with all his might. I got the latch open, but I had to hammer on it. >and I was terrified I was going to watch someone fall halfway >through that gap and break his or her leg or crack a jaw. Well, I often fear someone is going to drop our Otter door on someone's leg or ankle and break it - people are always trying to close the door while sticking a body part in the way to "get some air." Solution, of course, is to not drop the otter door on people's legs. I think it's all in what you're used to. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #22 August 12, 2002 Quoteyou just take pretty pictures of people on there bellys! Actually, I bet I have more dark-side jumps lately. Been fooling 'round with sit and back flying. I need a few more weapons for the camera flyin' arsenal. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bbarnhouse 0 #23 August 12, 2002 QuoteActually, I bet I have more dark-side jumps lately. Been fooling 'round with sit and back flying. Oh Quade now you're talking my language Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skymedic 0 #24 August 12, 2002 Well when I come out to perris in can take pretty pictures of me playing on the darkside.... Marc otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhreeZone 20 #25 August 13, 2002 >Well, there's your problem! Hopping up and down on it doesn't work that well. I watched 3 people hopping on it and kicking it time after time to get the thing open. Its just not commfy to have to sit on the edge of the bench either. The way the benches were split the odds were much higher that I'd be sitting on a bench edge in it then the Otter or Casa. Personally... I took the King Air when ever I could because 8-9 minutes to 14400 is just nice.(too bad Mike had to slow it down a bit) The Casa's were dog slow at WFFC this year, most times they are faster then that, and the Skyvan.... some one needs to take the plane out of its tin box.Yesterday is history And tomorrow is a mystery Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites