
my student progression

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As most of you know,I'm an ISP student (Integrated Student Program---tandems and shorter AFF course).

Well,I completed my tandems last weekend and they went very well, I think. Yesterday I went through the transition course from tandem to AFF(modified ground school w/a cool coach!) and today I jumped with my own rig, and my very cool JM.Woohoo!B|

I didnt do as well as I wanted(I'm a perfectionist),but my JM said I did very well.So on to bigger and better things.

Just though I'd give those interested an update.B|

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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Very cool, Amber! I didn't know they had a program called ISP. When I started jumping, I signed up, first jump, for AFF1 because I knew I wanted my liscense. However, when I got there, they told me it would be an all-day event and I didn't have all day so, since I was there, I decided to do a tandem and reschedule my AFF. I am glad I did the tandem first b/c I think it let me know what to expect. I finished my AFF in 5 levels instead of 7. I think doing a tandem before jumping into AFF prepared me and I was completely relaxed throughout my course.

Has anyone else heard of ISP?
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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My course is tandem-AFP (Advanced Freefall Progression). During AFP, we go thru a IAF (Instructor Assisted Freefall) phase. There are so many acronyms anymore it is hard to stay current.

I intend to live forever -- so far, so good.

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Not that you asked for it, but my best piece of advice is for you to focus on what went well for you in each jump, rather than what you did wrong. You will be amazed at how much of a difference this shift will make. After all, your Instructors will keep you safe, thinking, progressing, and IN THE AIR! You focus on having f-u-n. Glad to see you are doing so well! (You are already perfect, BTW . . . you were made that way)!;)
Arrive Safely


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