
What's your nic. and why?!!!

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I havn't a nickname at the DZ yet, but as a nick for dropzone.com I chose Fudd. One of my co-workers started calling me a fudder when I started jumping. He says it's the sound skydivers make when they hit the ground. He's a former pilote and doesn't under
That's it

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Back a few years ago I was always called Colonel, even by the teachers and administrators, I guess I give off a military vibe or something. Recently I was deemed Cornfed Muthafucker or Cornfed for short by Rabbit down in Spaceland. I've been called many things, though, most of which I would not repeat in polite company...:o:D
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Still being new...I haven't really picked up a nickname at the dropzone. But I have a couple others....Tad Bad has been around for as long as I can remember....my friends have told me I always fool people into thinking I am only a "tad" bad. My more recent nickname has been Man Eater....been told I have a bad habit of chewing them up and spitting them out. (Bring on the comments) ;)

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i wiil sat that I can create nic's for people so I was told...I started at least 30 nic's that I know of but I mut know you for a few days...anyone want a nic? send me a ticket for 3 days in local area;)
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Well, let's see. When I went on my white water rafting trip in May everyone there started calling me squeeky because when we were still on flat water a bigger boat went by. As we went threw it's wake water splashed up on me and I accidently squeeked:$. That didn't last after the trip though because I went by myself no one else knew.

Then a while back I worked on a river baot and there was another girl there. We were both pretty clutzy. So everyone called us crash and slide.:S I forget which one I was supposed to be.

And then I've always been called Red by those less creative because I have red hair.:P

And every variation on the name Christina - Christine, Christy, Chrissy, Chris, Chrissy stuck around for a while in high school.

No skydiving related except I have been referred to as "jump slut" or "jump whore" for the amount of jumps I make but I don't think those count.:o


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well lets see. The jumpsuit destroyer, Gumpy, and Mr. Stretcho. All of my skydiving nicknames have come from this single picture.

Which of course inspired your signature quote :P

which in turn inspired the design of my helmet B|
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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HEHEHEHE, I know what Joe's nickname is!!! Any bribes???? Joe, how about you bribe me not to tell!! :)

Its worth telling just to guage Joe's damage control!!!:D:ph34r::P
My other nickname was Ming Li. Don't ask!:D

"I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with the earth...but then I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with a car either, and that's having tried both."

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