
Poetry to try and explain to whuffo faggots.

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Uhhh, dude, you forgot about us sheep lovers....

Everybody, help me out here...isn't that implied with the small equipment, etc.?

Blue Skies...lookin' at me, only Blue Skies--oh shit--PULL!!!!


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Are YOU callin ME a whuffo?


No way, Dude--that'd be cruelty to Whuffos!

I do NOT have a tiny peepee and I'll take on any fucker who implies that the size of a skygod's canopy is directly proportional to that of his cock!


Ummm, hate to break it to you SkyGod (a legend under his own canopy), but it's INVERSELY proportional....

And what's wrong with Big Wheelz tyres? Chicks dig 'em...I'm sure they do...


Oh, Alien, Alien, Alien. They only SAY they dig 'em--didn't you notice they use the same tone of voice as when they say, "Oh SkyGod, I don't think its' small--it's just...FUN-size!"

Look, just stick with your regular story--you know, where you tell them that on your planet, it's HUGE!!! I mean, it's worked so far, right? Right?

Oh, OK, never mind.

Blue skies, etc.


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'Tainted'? Is that the same as saying it makes ya feel DIRTY?... You gotta number I can call y'on? (Do you have any objection to guys who don't...uh...LAST that long? We could have a beautiful thing goin' on here!) Call me, baby B|

Goddamn! They ALL WANT IT! I knew it! The pen[is] mightier than the sword! Bring it on laydeeeeez!

A) Sweety you can call me if you want but I'm on the other side of this planet. Literally.:o
B) We all want it, its just a matter of who we want to give it to us!:D

"I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with the earth...but then I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with a car either, and that's having tried both."

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