
Jump Suit Colors

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The crappier the skydiver, the louder the colors and less tasteful their jumpsuit tends to be.

Damnit. You mean I need to go buy a new jumpsuit now? Oh heck, maybe I'll just go back to the hot pink student suits to match my skill level (and rig!) :)

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I'm not crazy about the teal. The red and blue are cool though. Maybe you could add another type of blue?

Just a thought. You're the one who's going to jump it though so your opinion is really all that matters. I just bought a jumpsuit and I the reactions to it have been mixed, but it's mine and I LOVE IT!

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Damnit. You mean I need to go buy a new jumpsuit now? Oh heck, maybe I'll just go back to the hot pink student suits to match my skill level (and rig!) :)

Hey now! *I* resemble that remark ;) LOL

So, is it a sign of a skygod then if they wear a predominately white jumpsuit? I certainly ain't gonna be doing it anytime soon that's for sure!

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I've started using the orange jumpsuits that my DZ has lying around while I wait to get my own suit. The disadvantage of jumping an orange suit at a DZ that is next to a federal prison is that everyone at the dropzone feels the need to make the "don't land in the prison" joke every single time. Also, I can't screw up landing, because I know everyone will know who's responsible. The upshot of it all, though, is that I've landed on my feet every time since I adopted the suit.

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Ohh yeah aboout my suit.... (Freefly suit).
Base black. There are flames coming up the arms/legs. But that is where the "ohh yeah everyone has that suit" ends. The flames have been tyedied, they are the red/orange/yellow colors (think the flame like colors you see on mirage rigs) cept the colora are better. MUCH MUCH BETTER *MUWAHAHA* Yeah I ordered a Vector 3, all the trimmings, lightening bolt pattern and the lightening bolt is going to be tiedyed to match.

You will all see...


P.S. A local is making my suit, she has worked for several suit companys and is now starting her own label, if interested I can put you in touch with her. Trust me you will be after you see my suit. :ph34r:


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A local is making my suit, she has worked for several suit companys and is now starting her own label, if interested I can put you in touch with herand you will be after you see my suit.

Case-o isn't making your suit, is she?

Hook high, flare on time

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