
My "Give a shit's" broke

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Have you ever had one of those days where you just don't give a shit (not literally)? Your boss could walk in and fire you and you would just pack up your desk and leave without giving a shit.

At what point do you folks say "I just don't give a shit?"


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Haven't done that yet at work (outwardly anyway).....the economy sucks here so bad that it takes months to find another job. So I can't afford to act like/say I just don't give a shit! But inside, oh lemme tell you, I just wanna scream "Go @#$& yourself!!!" And then drive away in my car and become a beach bum....fishing for food or something. Someway to survive.

The pizza clown goes with us. Get him on his feet, I'll get Tricky Dick. - Men At Work

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just about everyday and it always happens about the exact moment i see my bosses ugly mug walk through the door. I don't know how that is but every morning just as he walks through the door i want to say go F(*k yourself and pack up my shit and leave.
but i get through it some how.
if fun were easy it wouldn't be worth having, right?

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I know...ever since I got hooked on jumping (only a month now) I spend way too much time at work surfing the web to fill my brain with skydiving info. I am afraid they are going to figure out that I spend 90% of my day on the web...and not working.

When you're going to extremes...you taste adrenaline!!

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I'm saying it almost every day. If I wasn't leaving my job to go back to school in two weeks, I'd just quit now.

Oh, I can so relate to this. I have exactly 6 more days of work after today, and they are all going to SUCK!! I never thought I'd ever like the school year more than the summertime.:S

I know...ever since I got hooked on jumping (only a month now) I spend way too much time at work surfing the web to fill my brain with skydiving info. I am afraid they are going to figure out that I spend 90% of my day on the web...and not working.

I hear this, too. See, about a couple of weeks ago, the person I'm temping for came back. I stayed on because I needed the money, but now there's no more work to do! I spend my whole days alternating between surfing at dz.com and trying to spread a half-hour job into a week and a day.>:(
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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I need this job to support my new hobby...so I better quit surfing the web so much. I am actually looking for a part-time job so that I can jump more often...any suggestions? ;)

When you're going to extremes...you taste adrenaline!!

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Anyone ever have to train their boss ? Talk about a kick in the balls .

Yep, I had to train my boss, and 3 new coworkers a couple of years ago when the previous manager left right after the company had hired the 3 newbies. I would probably be more upset about it if the company didn't know I was going to be leaving for college again in a couple of months anyway

Hook high, flare on time

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When i get to that "not give a shit" point I think about how bad things really could be. If you know what i mean. Then I kick myself in the @ss, pick my head up and charge baby charge..........

You've been reading L. Ron Hubbard's "Dianetics", haven't you?;)


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However, I was notified in the past week that I have a new boss so it is getting a little better.

We have a new boss. However, he has been nicknamed "Bin". Draw your own conclusions.:(


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it's been said many times here... learn to pack!!! then you can pack until you have enough for a jump, then pack until you have enough to jump, repeat until tired or monday rolls around. :D
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
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Mine started today...and will probably continue until next summer. It starts when all the teachers start coming back to get ready for the school year. Then my job tends to switch from network administration to end user support. Not that I don't give a poop, but, I hate having to baby folks along. I tell them to try and figure it on their own, then when something breaks, call me :P.

A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.

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Considering I'm usually known as the Happy Police (ie you better be happy or you'll have to put up with me!!) my "Give a shit" button is almost broken. Jet Lag, Uni, family, illness, no bf, blah blah blah! Yeah my give a shit is not quite up to it!
Wanna know how to fix it? Wag morning work: "specialist appointment" (I'll give you an appointment card if you like) and go do a jump.
That's what I'm doing tomorrow!:D

"I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with the earth...but then I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with a car either, and that's having tried both."

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Have you ever had one of those days where you just don't give a shit (not literally)? Your boss could walk in and fire you and you would just pack up your desk and leave without giving a shit.

At what point do you folks say "I just don't give a shit?"

I olny say it once a day. the minute I wake up....that will change when they put me near a dz though
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