
New Student at Skydive Chicago

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Hello everyone...
Over the past month or so I have done my first couple tandems at SDC and am going to start my AFP classes in the next couple weeks (too bad my finances are going to make this a long process).
I was wondering if there is anyone here who is currently a student at SDC. I love it out there and am looking for any reason to spend more weekends out there. I cannot wait to do my first solo jump!!

When you're going to extremes...you taste adrenaline!!

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That's great! I did most of my student program at Skydive Chicago. You won't find any place better to learn skydiving. You may ask why I did "most" of it there and not all of it. The instructor I was working with left and went to another DZ and I followed him over so I could continue working with him. The student program at SDC is the best there is. A word of caution though.....don't jump just because they say it's ok to jump...use your own judgement and discretion. Whatever anyone says, I can say from my own personal experience that they will put you up there in marginal conditions...high winds....no holes in the clouds...etc. In terms of the student equipment and quality of instruction, I would say they are unmatched anywhere.

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Thanks for the info. I know the are one of the premier drop zones in the country and feel lucky to be able to take my classes there.
Another question...how worried do I have to be about my first solo? Being the perfectionist that I am...I was not really happy with my second tandem...but they said I did great and am ready for AFP 1. Should I trust my judgement and do another tandem to up my confidence...or just go for it and do the AFP 1?
I cannot believe how addicted I have gotten to this!! I just wish I had the money to do more than 1 class a month (damn that new hot tub I just bought....that could have paid for enough jumps to last me 5 years)!!

When you're going to extremes...you taste adrenaline!!

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If they say you are ready for AFP I then go for it. Just remember to arch and relax. The instructor will be docked on you the entire time. You'll be fine. I still remember when I did my level one and after I pulled the feeling I got when I realized I was up in the sky under my canopy all by myself for the first time. It's very cool.

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I hate to be nosey, but how could SDC be 2nd to none when in your own words "they will put you up there in marginal conditions...high winds....no holes in the clouds...etc"? >:(
I graduated from my AFF yesterday and I was ready to do my first unsupervised solo when my DZ bumped me off of a load due to gusty winds. I'm disappointed that I didn't get to do an extra jump, but I'm happy that the DZ is still looking out for their novice skydivers. :P

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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That's a good thing that they do that. But in terms of the gear (all students use sabre 2's), and the quality of instruction (i.e. - video debrief on EVERY jump...included in the cost) there is no better place to learn. Even the aircraft there is tops....all turbine and maintained to the highest level.

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I haven't been there for a while. I'm not very active in the sport anymore since buying a house...I just do a jump or two every few weeks to stay current. I normally go to Morris only because I know a lot of people there....but I would come out to Ottawa if I had someone to jump with. I had to sell my rig to buy my house so I rent gear and that sucks...but SDC has kick ass rental gear. That sabre 2 is sweet...you'll love it. Nice lift in the flair. The rental gear at Morris...well frankly it's not as nice. I wouldn't even think of attempting any freeflying with it. The problem is I really don't know many people out there any more.

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The gear is better than my DZs and video definitely sounds good. Now I'm no expert here, but I'm under the impression that the Sabre 2 is not the best novice canopy. Then again, I guess if it's lightly loaded, there's no harm done. :P

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I know...I wish I had enough $$ to finish up my AFP classes ASAP...but it willl probably end up taking me a year or so. :(
I'm telling ya...if I had jumped before ordering my hot tub...there would be no hot tub!! Too bad I can't move it out to the drop zone, huh?? :P

When you're going to extremes...you taste adrenaline!!

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I don't really jump at SDC any more but I did learn to skydive there. I had lotsa fun but am very shy and had a hard time finding my niche. I will, however, be there this Saturday for at least one day of Summerfest to do some jumps and watch a buddy of mine do his first tandem after just getting out of the Army. I'll be wearing my Dropzone.com shirt...:)

--"Someday you will die and somehow somethings going to steal your carbon" -MM

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I know...once a month is better than never. Plus...I am so hooked...I am afraid that if I was out there more often I would end up having to declare bankruptcy, cutaway from the real world and move to the drop zone (hmmm..that is not such a bad idea ;)).

When you're going to extremes...you taste adrenaline!!

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But in terms of the gear (all students use sabre 2's), and the quality of instruction (i.e. - video debrief on EVERY jump...included in the cost)

Very good question Canuck. I am in absolutely no position to judge this dropzone having never been there, nor have I taken their AFP classes. I would think twice (at least, if not more) about learning to skydive someplace that would put a student out in "MARGINAL" conditions tho.
Does "Bending" (used loosely) the SIM's teach safe skydiving? Tell me, if you can't see the ground, how will one know if there is any traffic to be aware of (other planes)? Will a student know what to do and be safe if they can not make any penetration (forward movement) in high winds? What will they do? What does this teach students about safety?
Eqpt has always been controversial. I have no opinion on whether it is best to use lightly elliptal canopies for students at wingloadings around 1 to 1 or so.
All I can suggest is to ask questions and lots of them. If you don;t feel comfortable, then don't do it
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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Best of luck holding yourself to that plan. This spring I just wanted to get through my student progression this year, and maybe plan on buying gear next year. I got my solo certification two weeks ago, and got my own gear the next day. So much for good intentions and financial planning:D

About the hot tub, maybe you can take it back... ;):P

Have fun!

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein

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Dunno if we have any current SDC students running amok on the board, but there are a fair number of us 'old timers' (some are older than others ;)) haunting dz.com.
The red packing mats on the SE side of the hanger are the stomping grounds for 'Team Funnel' - even if you only have 1 tandem, heck, even if you have no tandems (but simply enjoy the company of skydiving folk) - come find us, you will make a big group of friends very quickly. The added benefit being, once you graduate, you have a clan to jump with who pride themselves in helping freshly 'A'd folk build thier freefall skill set (and help you drink any beer you may owe for 'firsts' :)

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I have heard about Team Funnel...and was lucky enough to have Bill Homer (founder...right?) as my JM for both tandems. What a great guy!! Well, I will definitely have to stop by and make some new friends. Are you guys mostly out there only on weekends?
So, then after my first "solo"....clear bottles, right??? (Learned that rule early). ;)

When you're going to extremes...you taste adrenaline!!

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