
Weekend Numbers

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210(times anne told me to "put that thing away"):5(jumps on the new rig!!!!):umm....WAYYYYY too many firsts...

first jump on new rig
first jump on safire
first time jumping out of a CESSNA AT SDC!!!!!!
first time nailing a head down ALLLL they way down(this was my favorite of the weekend...
ummm...I know theres more...and I'm sure the lovely fallinwoman will remind me!!!!

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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?Beers+shots cunsumed over four day period:S:18:5 cases just for the heck of it and some firsts I won't mention

I really had a good weekend. Did a couple jumps with Bill V. Met Tee and jumped with her hubby a couple of times. Did a sweet four way with Steve1 and his buddies. Met SkyCat and HooknSwoop. Met Beachbum and actually camped right next to him. Thanks for the hammer bro. If I left someone out it's because my head is in the clouds. LP rocks!! Um I mean it sucks. Don't go there;)...........

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