
Do we need night jumps for d?

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While I have no desire to do any more night jumps, I do think that they should remain a requirement for a so-called "expert" license.

Why? The "sunset load" that gets off the ground a bit late or ends up having to hold at whatever altitude for however long - these can easily turn into jumps made in less than ideal light conditions. Having actual experience jumping and landing at night means that a jumper is more likely to be able to safely handle those less than ideal conditions.

Yes, night jumps can be dangerous, but then again RW, freeflying, CRW and pond swooping can be dangerous too. Yes, there are people out there with medical conditions that affect their night vision but USPA has provided for them by allowing those jumpers to get restricted licenses.

The water jump requirement was dropped before I started jumping in 1990, but had it still been required I wouldn't have argued against doing it, and in a way I wish I had done one... for the same reason I'm glad I did 3 night jumps. Those who have experience landing in the water in ideal conditions are more likely to survive landing in the water in less than ideal conditions.

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I agree that water safety training is important, however night jumps? Sunset loads rarley turn into night loads...NO I don't think so. How many people are really going to jump at night? Furthermore I thought we were a group dedicated to safety. Night jumps create a danger with decreased vision and those with already compromised depth perception will not bode well on said jumps. Please fell free to try to convince me that this is a necessary requirement for any license .Night jump qualifications for pro rating, now that I can understand.

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While I have no desire to do any more night jumps, I do think that they
should remain a requirement for a so-called "expert" license.

It is not called an "expert" license. it is called a "D" license. I guess it's been a while since you read the SIM.

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I guess it's been a while since you read the SIM.

Yup, it has been awhile. And I just pulled my logbook out and looked at my "D" license, and it doesn't say "expert", it says "master." Much as this pains me to admit... I was wrong.

But I still think night jumps are important. Sorry BB, but I've been on more than one "sunset load" that turned into damn near a night jump. And I was glad that I'd already experienced landing in the dark when they did.

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I'm a new jumper, so feel free to discount my opinion entirely, but I'm actually looking forward to doing a night jump. I can't comment on the necessity of doing them (though I suspect it's the sort of thing that you can't accidentally do). Still, to get the top-level license, one would expect that there would be exceptional case items on there. What sort of items do you think should be on the license instead?

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The whole ugly mess is here:


I don't have a problems with keeping the night jump requirement for the D, however I would like to see canopy control/coaching made a requirement as well.

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I'm a new jumper, so feel free to discount my opinion entirely, but I'm
actually looking forward to doing a night jump.

Nothing wrong with that, I enjoyed mine too and I expect I'll do more. That is not an argument for making it a license requirement, however.

ps I also enjoy driving fast, but that's not a drivers license requirement either.

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Yup, it has been awhile. And I just pulled my logbook out and looked at my
"D" license, and it doesn't say "expert", it says "master." Much as this pains
me to admit... I was wrong.

Take a look at your CURRENT license/membership card (the one USPA sent you within the last 12 months). Does it say "master" anywhere on it?

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Take a look at your CURRENT license/membership card (the one USPA sent you within the last 12 months). Does it say "master" anywhere on it?

Nope. Neither do the ones that expired in '01, '00, '99 or '98 (those are all I have in my logbook right now). But, by "D" license, I was referring to the actual "license" card that I received back in 1991 - a seperate card from the membership card.

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ake a look at your CURRENT license/membership card (the one USPA sent
you within the last 12 months). Does it say "master" anywhere on it?

Nope. Neither do the ones that expired in '01, '00, '99 or '98 (those are all I
have in my logbook right now). But, by "D" license, I was referring to the
actual "license" card that I received back in 1991 - a seperate card from
the membership card.

That's because they no longer use those "titles". Just the letters.

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That's because they no longer use those "titles". Just the letters

Hm. Just cuz I'm the curious type, I went and dug out my membership cards from the early nineties. License class (letter) and numbers are listed, but no titles.

So if you get a D license today it just says D-whatever, no "master" mentioned? Or do you even get a seperate card for the license nowadays?

btw, I haven't been an active instructor for 6 years or so; I'm fully aware that things have changed but haven't kept up with exactly what those changes are cuz they don't affect me.

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My first night jump (for which I've already paid a beer 'fine') was a 3-way RW during where we turned 8 points. Takeoff was 11:30pm with a full moon, but still plenty dark. I was terrified and exhilirated. Kind of like my first tandem. But you're right about the danger. I never saw anyone from the load under canopy and some landed as close as 30yards and 5 seconds away.

In a world full of people, only some want to fly... isn't that crazy! --Seal

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I've got about as many night jumps as day jumps (in my peculiar parachuting discipline, that's often necessary).

I think that the night jump requirement for a D license is a good idea. It's important to prepare people for situations they may find themselves in (emergency or otherwise) at some point in their parachuting career.
-- Tom Aiello


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I love night jumps!

Is there a reason they should not be required for the highest level of licensing? (Geez, why did we ever throw out water jumps?!?!?!)

Folks, I think you're missing the point. Does anyone want to claim competence and still say, "I'm a great head down skydiver, but sometimes I get skeered of pulling my pilot chute...."

Wake up folks! We skydive, if you think that there is a great difference between nite and day, perhaps you are not very "Experienced".

Chris, still a "student-learning every day", but somewhat experienced!

geezus shit people!

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Well, you have much much more experience then I do, but medically proven, depth perception is off in low light conditions, which is fairly important. Especially if a jumper is jumping something that comes in a bit snappier then their Stratocloud...that would what I would consider a "great difference" between night and day jumps, but then again, I only have 5 night jumps.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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As stated earlier, I love night jumps, I think they're fun. I was just mentioning my opinion in reference to your post previous to mine, about the difference between night and day jumps. :)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Agreed... If you can't hook it at night... you don't need to do it during the day... ;)

And yes... I'm up to a few night jumps now and I fly it the same as day. My feet run just as fast at night as they do during the day on a swoop....

Leave it in there.... Its nice to know that if its going to be an iffy if we get to exit with sunlight the JM/pilot can just say any one with a D licence can exit.... everyone else needs to ride the plane down. Other wise you leave it up to the jumper... and you know how many people are going to ride a plane down with out being forced to? None...
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Nah, I don't think you need a "D" to attain a night jump ... Uhhh wait a minute! reverse that :)

Those that can't see aftert dark should stay around the bon fire. Several reasons for this:
1) there is LIGHT to see who is next to ya
2) there is BEER there
3) on the colder nights it's warmer
4) there is one (or more) spaces I can occupy on the AC doing the jump

Really now, The most fun I have had on a jump was at night. Midnight jump into yk2 @ Pahokee (Skydive Palm Beach Fl.) 4 way Horny gorilla, you could see both the east and west coasts lights outlining the state under canopy. Plus .. you got to see ALL the fireworks!
Not to mention flying on your back on a cloudless night and watching the stars. An "E" ticket ride for sure.

Make an "E" licence, you only need it for the "E" ticket rides.

"exit fast, fly smooth, dock soft and smile"
'nother james

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