
Pilot Canopy 96

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Input on Pilot by Aerodyne sub 117 canopies

I am 115 lbs withoit gear- 1300 jumps in 6 years
Loved my Pilot 117 for 200 jumps
Downsized to 104 then 96 and started having consistently bad landings.
Several highly experienced canopy pilots with high jump numbers have watched and critiqued my landings- flare more, faster, slower, stage the flare, flare later, lengthen brake lines-after about 35-50 landings and bad ones, I got one person to video several landings in a row.
Just before touching down and while in full flare, canopy is fully stalled. The end cells fold under in a bow.
Any insight?

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Input on Pilot by Aerodyne sub 117 canopies

I am 115 lbs withoit gear- 1300 jumps in 6 years
Loved my Pilot 117 for 200 jumps
Downsized to 104 then 96 and started having consistently bad landings.
Several highly experienced canopy pilots with high jump numbers have watched and critiqued my landings- flare more, faster, slower, stage the flare, flare later, lengthen brake lines-after about 35-50 landings and bad ones, I got one person to video several landings in a row.
Just before touching down and while in full flare, canopy is fully stalled. The end cells fold under in a bow.
Any insight?

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If the canopy stalls on landing, your brake lines are too short. They should be long enough that you need to pull the toggles to full arm extension (really trying to reach down as far as you can) and hold them there for 5 to 10 seconds before the stall.

The catch is that this will make your canopy come in a little faster and the flare a touch lower in the toggle stroke, but if you're already getting your toggles to full arm extension, you shouldn't have a problem.

The other idea is that this canopy is just too small for you. Not everyone performs well at high WL, and sometimes you just find your own personal 'sweet spot' by going too far down. Maybe just an upsize will improve your landings, and make your jumps safer and more fun?

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I have really only jumped aerodyne canopies (pilot 168, tri 150, pilot 124, 117 and 111 and a sensei 91) and all the canopies I have had have needed longer brake lines (I am 175cm/5'10 170lb with 22inch risers 'normal' arm length). My pilot 117 is 3 inches past stock and I still get tail drag on right hand 270's, my sensei is 2 inches on stock. I have also found the canopies land much better if landing with rears and then toggles than straight toggles

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Input on Pilot by Aerodyne sub 117 canopies

I am 115 lbs without gear,5'6"- 1300 jumps in 6 years
Loved my Pilot 117 for 200 jumps
Downsized to 104 then 96 and started having consistently bad landings.
Several highly experienced canopy pilots with high jump numbers have watched and critiqued my landings- flare more, faster, slower, stage the flare, flare later, lengthen brake lines-after about 35-50 landings and bad ones, I got one person to video several landings in a row.
Just before touching down and while in full flare, canopy is fully stalled. The end cells fold under in a bow.
Any insight?

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