
This Week's Numbers

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update: 4:45 central. I've spent the afternoon trying to figure out Adobe Premiere. Wow, that's some complicated #$%^&!

Sure is. I bought a book (Adobe Classroom in a Book) which helps a lot. Still it's not an easy program to learn. On top of that, mine crashes my computer every time i close it (have to get out with CTRL-ALT-Delete) which makes me not even wanna open it to learn more.


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1 check cleared:0:0

The check was for my container and reserve, so it should be in my hands soon!

Oh yeah, I heard a rumor that Sky Knights closed. Is that true? 'Cause I liked the DZ, and it's close to my house, and they have my log book and A card.

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My excuses for the crappy numbers:
Friday: spent the day with my brother, sister-in-law and ADORABLE nephew (I swear he's trying to say Auntie Val.....that or Duke).
Saturday: Silly me forgot my d-bag ALL the way back home (I forgot to put it back on when I sent my demo canopy back.) So, that took over 3 hours away from a beautiful day.
Sunday: So so so so so so hot! I kept getting dizzy and stuff. I think the heat went to my head and caused me to power dock. I'm not used to funnelling formations upon docking! But, it was hilarious.

By the way.....is the jet here yet?
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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4(don't get excited thats the # of jump suits i have now had blow open on me in freefall.):2:0

My last jump of the day was a pretty exciting one. I was doing a fallrate controll jump with a coach and at about 7-6 the zipper on my right leg just blew open. Over the course of the next thousand feet or so the zipper just split open from there. From my ankle to my neck. So we stoped the dive and waited for 5 grand then broke off. Needless to say tracking with one half of your jumpsuit flapping int he wind aint fuckin easy. I did my best and pulled a little over 3.5k. I was kinda worried about my jump suit messing with my main but it didn't. Also met up with Trina, and Grasshopper. Say this cool chick Molly that i havn't seen since i started AFF (she broke her pelvis and scared the shit out of alot of people) Very cool girl, hope to jump with her in the near future. I think shes single too :P
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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Number of times I've lost my helmet in freefall this week 2:6:2

Okay, SkyFest at Skydive Dallas was an absolute blast!!! I owe beer for my first jump out of a Skyvan and for my first stable head-down.

As for the first number... yup. I did it again. Last dive of the day today and I forgot my chin-strap. Exited solo into a sit, concentrated on my breathing and backlooped into a head-down and nailed it. I'm pretty sure I had a righteous back-slide going on but I was able to hold an X-position head-down and I was able to slowly rotate it to look around.

I front-looped into a sit and as I rotated over my helmet decided to say goodbye. Stayed on my belly until pull-time since I didn't really tighten my sunglasses up all the way and then almost wept under canopy.

Helmet & ProTrack gone, again.[:/] From the altitude I lost it at (around 9K) I was pretty sure I was never going to see it again. I never saw it under canopy. I landed and started getting my stuff together to leave and popped into the gear-store to settle my tab and let them know to be on the lookout for my helmet.

"Umm. I was a dumbass today and lost my Bonehead at 9K with a ProTrack inside. If it shows up within the next few years, let me know."

"Purple & green Mindwarp, lots of stickers?"

"Yes! How did you know?"

"It's at manifest, it landed in the middle of the runway."


Sure enough, there it was and only a small scuff on the side. The ProTrack was not inside. I found the person who retrieved it and we drove out to where he thought he found the helmet. I opened the door and looked down as I got out. I didn't even have to search for it. There it was and it works perfectly.

I swear, I really need to start buckling that chin-strap as soon as I put my helmet on my head. That was almost a $460 skydive. Again.

My Bonehead Mindwarp must really, really love me. Thanks again to Bonehead and L&B for making such durable products.

Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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1 day spent completly with the family:3:vaguly 1.

Spent Saturday raiding my parents and grandparents placs of anything worth having.
Sunday I did 1 sit fly, 1 semi Stable HD and 1 Crw. The head down I finally held for more then 30 seconds so... I think that was about it on the beer. Did 6 rotations on the 3 stack and broke it right at the guidelines. It felt good to fly all 3 canopies within 30 feet of each other for that long (videoed too). Triped on the tuffet on landing and it was caught on video. Lightings SUCK for landing, and Casa exits are hard openings on Lightings....
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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so 79... can you freefly now?

Compared to what I saw at the festival I'd say I am still very much a beginner. I did learn a lot, but I learnt more about how much I don't know. I got canopy control lessons and attended two safety seminars - I definitely benefited a lot from the festival.


PS thanks for sending my chick all those dirty PMs Remi... >:(


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6 (number of beers consumed at the one year anniversary of our dropzone):5:0

"Most beautifulest" sunset load ever (Foto: http://jumplog.antville.org/topics/Jumplog+170ff+-+Krems+Sommer+2002/100336/)

half-night-partying on behalf of the dropzone's (http://www.2fly.at/ ) first anniversary resulting in almost not-jumping on sunday


great weekend, all in all!B|

(Home @ http://www.fallschirmspringer.net/)

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Skreamer also did his 300th there (sitting directly above the rabbit in the screen grab).

I don't think anyone that actually jumped with him got any beer though. :|
Running around naked in the woods looking up trees for a hidden case of beer? What's up with that Will?:D

Skreamer 300th.jpg

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lol, sorry Ron I had to stick with the local tradition as far as the case was concerned - must say though that seeing the naked guy come running out of the sauna and trying to climb a tree to get to the beer was *rather* funny.... :ph34r:

Thanks for the pic - a 6 way tracking dive led by Alex Meacock was a real treat for my 300th! B|


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1 (number of women I asked to marry me last week):0:1
Still don't have enough money to get any jumps in, and I don't think getting engaged will help that situation much, but oh well.
She is a whuffo, but I'm working on that, too.
The beer is for the first (and hopefully last) time that I have gotten engaged.


You come from nothing. You go back to nothing. What have you lost? Nothing!

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0:16:let me count...
first time going to a new dropzone (Skyfest in Dallas), first skyvan jump, first hybrid jump as a hanger, first raft jump, SCS jump, first tracking dive, first time landing off, first head down coached jump
I think that's it... so 8:S
Awesome weekend!B|

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100,000 (approximate number of Harleys I saw this weekend) : 0 : 1

Spent the entire weekend at the annual H.O.G. rally. It was a good time; saw some good bands (Blues Traveller, Kenny Wayne Sheppard, Travis Tritt, Tim McGraw, Ted Nugent, Allison Kraus, etc.)

Bikers are the only other group besides skydivers that have that much comradity and drink that much beer !!!

Despite the lack of jumps, it was a good time! Beer owed for first time attending the annual H.O.G. rally!


Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!

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1 (number of possible mals that I packed myself, but caught and fixed before closing my container):5:0

It was a slow week for me, jump number wise, but it was just too damn hot to want to jump again after getting really hot and sweaty on Sunday.:|

"Your mother's full of stupidjuice!"
My Art Project

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number of back surgeries done 1:0:1

well ad back surgery on friday... hence the second number..and wahat do i owe beer for??? for being in the company of my cute girlfriend all weekend and willfully not getting any...... yeah, that's a first for me....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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and willfully not getting any...... yeah, that's a first for me....

Good call. Trust me, gettin' some a few days after back surgery isn't a real good idea... :$

Sounds like the surgery went well. Hang in there and enjoy the pain killers!

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