
How far is your commute to work?

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Thinking about moving an hour away from work to live on the North Shore beach of Oahu (we're talking, right on the beach). Traffic sucks here, but there are "windows" of time that can keep it to an hour and fifteen minute commute. It's 62 miles round trip. So, I'm curious, how far does everyone else commute to work?

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I only have about a 30 min. drive to work. Now having said that, the first 5 years . . . oh, isn't the view beautiful, look at the untouched snow, etc...
Then it was . . . god, what am I doing wasting all this time driving back and forth.

There were days when it was good to unwind, and then there were the days from hell having a little one in school and the dentist, doctor office and everything else another 30 min. away. There was days when I spent most of the day just running back and forth.

I think it's all a matter of what else is going on in your life because the small child is big now and the drive is once again, down time, and oh, isn't the view beautiful!!

I'm actually thinking about a move that would extend that driving time as well . . . I'm just not so sure that I want to swap more sleep time for driving time. (Although, it would be closer to the DZ!);)


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35 minutes each way. Can be treacherous in bad winter weather, but normally very scenic. Sometimes it is tedious and I am in no mood for it. Other times it's a great time to crank a really good cd and go into a different zone.

Good luck making your decision.


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. . I'm just not so sure that I want to swap more sleep time for driving time. (Although, it would be closer to the DZ!)

hehe. If this move was made, the dz would be literally across the street! woohoo!

Funny thing is, my boss is actually interested too after bringing it up in conversation. He keeps asking me what people do for a living that live there because he'd like to live there too. Ha. If I play my cards right, maybe I can start a new business with the boss! How weird is that.

(edited because my grammar sucks when I'm posting and working at the same time...)

geez, maybe I should go work for a hotel. That is awesome. so, are the hookers free too? :P j/k!

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geez, maybe I should go work for a hotel. That is awesome.

It really is not as awesome as it sounds. Depending on the exact circumstances, you are basically living at your job. It's tough to get that down time you need, unless you leave the premises. I had this option and chose to live off property. Work needs to be seperated from personal life for me.


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I live about 25 miles from work, half of it surface streets and half freeway. If I leave at 5:30 am, which I try to do all the time it only takes me about 30 mins, if I wait till 6:00 am then I hit the start of rush hour and it can easily take me an hour to make the drive. So I go in at 5:30, get to work at 6:00 and get out of work at 2:30 pm. Which means that when I finally get some money and can start jumping again, I could probably make it down to Otay (about 45 mins away) for afternoon jumps in the summer.

You come from nothing. You go back to nothing. What have you lost? Nothing!

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Work needs to be seperated from personal life for me.

I am pretty fortunate to have good employees that take care of things. They never call me when I leave the office for the day unless it is a dire emergency. Same goes for the weekends. I do work long hours though.

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. I simply ride the elevator down to my office and back up to go home at night.

Must suck when you want to call in *SICK* tho.....

Commute is 30 minutes if I take BART, an 35 minutes in the morning , over an hour to get home if I drive (and it's 17 miles)

about an hour to SkyDance or 45 minutes to Byron,
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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I have about a 5-10 minute bicycle ride to and from work everyday. I live about 1.5 miles from my work.

To the DZ's from my home:
Byron 55 min
Hollister 1 hr 15 min
Monterey 1 hr 30 min
Lodi 2 hrs 30 min
Santa Rosa 2 hrs
Davis ? i forget it is like 3 hr 30 min?

So commuting is not part of my vocabulary. Though my car does feel neglected during the week. Just itching for me to start her up and vroom vroom vroom. She likes driving to the DZ's really fast with loud music.

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34 miles......Can take anywhere from under 30 minutes like today when I left for work at 250PM and averaged about 80 MPH the whole way. It can also take up to 2 hrs some days but I have been keeping it pretty steady at around 45-50 minutes most mornings when I work 9 AM to 6 PM. DZ's....I'm about 1 hour 15 minutes from Skydive Atlanta and 50-60 minutes or so from Atlanta Airsportz.

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seeing how I live on the Air Base, In Korea..I might be excluded from this thread.[:/]

I ride my bike to work,(b/c we arent allowed to have POV's here) but its still less then a mile.

the dz is a different story. its about 3000 miles away! so I can get to it!>:(
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hey thanks sebazz,
sometimes (more oftwen then not) i wonder WTF AM I doing here.[:/]

they answewr usually pionts to 2 words...
"growing roots"[:/]
but only 30 days left of my tour. so my heart is starting to pump again!
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