
Help me decide on a container

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Ok I'm having a hard time deciding. I'm a free flier that has hours in the tunnel but not a lot of time in the sky. In my view this is how I've stacked up the 3 containers I'm most interested in:

Voodoo Curv:

All inclusive - no options to mess with
Super freefly friendly
Supposed MARD system in the works

10 weeks ( i know it's no that bad )
Can't downsize as easily as other rigs
No real track record
No current MARD system
No semi stowless D bag??


Very simple and tested rig
Floating laterals
5 weeks for fully custom rig!
Can pick up the rig with two fingers under the pin protector flap

Not a huge fan of the closing flaps


Magnetic Riser covers
Tried and tested
I can hae one in 2 weeks with a fully customized harness!

A little pricey


Unknowns on all:
I'm having a difficult time between ordering something with a Skyhook (Javelin) or a standard RSL. I am usually pulling around 4.5K and while there is never a guarantee I try to be one of the last out of the plane (single or small group free fly).

I've spoken to a few DZ guys, some of whom swear by the simplicity of the RSL and even speak out against new conditions that the skyhook introduces and others who are sponsored jumpers by companies that don't offer the skyhook but fly a skyhook configured rig.

This controversy has me at a loss. Help me decide!

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People purchase for different reasons... Safety, Comfort, Price, Style, Options, Popularity, etc.

Before committing so much money read, reread, then review it a few more times before going forward.

Those rigs are similar. But of your choices, I prefer the Javelin because of it's reserve packing/semi exposed pilot.

Good Luck!

(If you are so inclined to have the reserve opened with a main release system but want to save $ you could go with a Wings and get the Boost system. Personally, I'm a Racer fan)
Woot Woot!

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Javelin. Less flaps for the reserve pilot chute to have to clear.

Racer. no flaps for a reserve pilot chute to clearB|
And they weigh less, cost less. function more.
better pin protection with an efficient reserve pilotchute
stronger webbing and more compatible with hardware.
now with magnets and spacer foam backpad.

Skydivings best kept secret.
Na' Cho' Cheese

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I want to make sure that the DZ's I visit have riggers / packers that are super familiar with the gear I jump. I have actually never seen a racer but that's not saying much. I did however jump a Jav all the way through AFF and A license and an Infinity after that.

This has actually eliminated the Voodoo Curv from my choices just because my DZ has no experience with it.

And in an added twist a friend of mine is getting rid of their near brand new Vector 3 so I should add that in...

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As we all have opinions, after 25+ years of skydiving and several "saves" with an RSL, one with a demo skyhook, I sold my last rig and ordered a new one with a skyhook. I would not want to jump without one!

My last "save' involved a wrap and cut away way too low and unintentional. Many on the ground said I would not be writing this if it were not for the skyhook. Just my .02

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I have jump a few Javelin, Reflex(I know) Wings and Curv.

The Curv is far the most comfortable rig I have worn it really doesn't interfere with any body position needed for skydiving and you barely feel is pack, it also really easy to see if the closing loop have been miss routed and the view for the aad is nice as well beside all other bells and whistles(such as the grippers on the handles and freefly pouch).
Also, how the free bag is design, you can put a two size bigger reserve of what is indicated in the chart (I have a Micro Raven 150 and it says it can fit an Optimum 143)
Had a cuttaway already and it was fine).

I would say try to jump as many of the options you have and buy whatever feels more comfortable and affordable(I think most of modern rigs passed the safe concerns at this stage).

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Because that's the old one.

There's a vid of the new lanyard here...


It doesn't show real good close ups but if you look close you can see how it works. With the new sliding extension the system actually works now. It doesn't fix any of the other... issues but it now works as advertised with out firing your reserve into a spinning main. As quirky as it is it now makes for an interesting system. It's enough of an up grade that I don't think you should pack one of there double sided RSL's with out it.


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