
What's The Real Reason You Skydive?

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Girl, it's time you took that strength you found when you started skydiving, and cut that man away. All I've seen in your post the last few weeks about him was how unhappy you were. If you feel the need to take something to do things with him and his friends, why even bother doing them. As you have discovered from jumping there is a whole new world out there full of freedom and life. Why allow yourself to be put in a cage?
Fly it like you stole it!

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I agree with Skycat. Let him go play with his friends and you go to the dz and play with your new rig and make new friends. That way you are both happy. If this is not acceptable to him then ask him why things have to be the way he wants them to be? If that is the way he thinks, (his way or the highway), than it is time to lose him. You just spent a lot of money on a rig and you need to use it.

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Why do I skydive? The reasons have changed over the years but there are some that are still the same.

One big reason is because it's hard. The challenge of performing well in freefall on every jump, regardless of the mode of flight. The knowledge that everytime I pull, my nerve, reactions and training may be tested. The challenge of becoming a better canopy pilot. Ain't none of this easy, and that's a big part of what keeps me in the air.

Then there's the people. I've jumped and hung out with everyone from the extremely successful professional to the unemployed homeless guy, from the cop and the judge to the convicted felon, from devout people of nearly every religion to those who claim none. Doesn't matter what or who we are in our "real lives", at the dropzone we are all skydivers, and surprisingly enough we all seem to have more in common than just the fact that we jump. I love that I can go to any dz in the world and find people who are in many ways just like me.

After the first time my mom came out to the dz to watch me jump she remarked that the dropzone was the first place she'd ever seen me really fit in - she was right, and I think that line applies to many of us. So the people are also a very big part of why I keep jumping.

And then there's the sheer joy of being able to fly. That old line "skydivers know why the birds sing - because we can fly" is very true for me.

I don't jump because it makes me look good to or impresses non-jumpers. That may be a nice side benefit, but it's not something I'm thinking about when I'm at the dz doing what I love to do.

I've fallen in love with this sport numerous times over the past 12 years, each time in a different way or for a different reason. Skydiving has become my entire life; you could say it consumes me. I work in the industry, I play at the dz and I come here to my virtual dz family when I'm not doing either of the above - I've surrounded myself with the sport and people I love.

I couldn't have planned a better life for myself than the one I found the day I did my first skydive. The journey from there to here has been an incredible adventure, and I look forward to many more years spent traveling this road. This sport is life-changing and life-enhancing, and I can't imagine my life without it.

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Im going to be nice.I would rather be at the DZ today. I would feel guilty all day and I hate that feeling.Im jumping Sat at SDH.......He knows he is welcome to come and watch me ..but he chooses not to......He really could care less about the sport and says going to the DZ is boring to him.I told him I got this rig for a reason.I want and have to jump it at least one if not two days a week and again I always invite him.........It is not that easy for me to leave him[:/] I still have feelings but I know our personalities clash. I just take one day at a time.I have alot going on with school now. I only have a year and a half to go.then I'll be an RN

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What a great thread ... I have to say that I agree with pretty much most of the reasons given in some way. But I have to say that challenge keeps me buzzing (especially with my low jump numbers !!). But also the feeling that every moment of life is so precious and that look on everyone's face as you all land.

In fact it really feels now like my "true" life began once I started jumping ... All the rubbish in life has faded away and a new perspective has taken over ...

I am totally hooked ....

My name's james and I'm a freefall addict ...:)

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The high possibility of getting steel rods and cool scars that chicks dig seem to make it worth while too.

Mmm, yes, scars...*coming after Phree with box of razor blades and a hammer*

Some girls also dig the smartasses that skydiving attracts.
Skydiving is for cool people only

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i skydive because there is nothing in the world that compaires to walking up to the open door, looking out and taking that first step.
the first step is why i skydive. not for the freefall, or the canopy ride, it's for that first step, the moment you exit, the moment when you become more free than ever before.
if fun were easy it wouldn't be worth having, right?

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it was just something i always thought would be cool to try. i mentioned it to my wife who told me her and her ex had done it and it would be fun to go again. she had taken her fjc and first jump, then never went back, figuring it would be the same this time. to her chagrin, i got hooked and am currently going through pff. i got hooked by the exileration and challenge of it. every jump (i am up to 12) i notice more and more of what is around me and it just amazes the hell out of me that i can/am doing it. i get goosebumps watching skydiving scenes in mainstream movies even though i know they are (often badly) faked. i get goose bumps just thinking about climbing out of the plane to do my next level. i can't wait to try free flying, relative work, maybe even working towards being a coach or instructor down the road just so i can watch others experience the same thrill i do. i got a video of my level two and instead of watching myself, i was watching the background and couldn't believe the view, can't wait 'til i actually see it in freefall instead of concentrating on my tasks.

and i love the look on whuffo cow-orker's faces when they find out what i do on the weekends!B|
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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Cool post, Richard.

I would have to say that the reason I skydive is because I just like the feeling of jumping out, playing in the sky, and flying my canopy around. It is freedom beyond the definition.

There is no other feeling like it in the world.

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...my name is phil, I'm a jumpaholic...

sorry wrong forum. I jump because I got the virus when I did a tandem 12 years ago. It took 10 years till I had the outbreak and went through AFF, had a landing 18 month ago that almost got me in a wheelchair and have done 100 jumps since the accident.
Just got 3 other guys together to form a rw-team and move on to do something new with them

To enjoy being with some fantastic people with whom I share the same passion for a great sport.

Because my wife has signed me up for I life insurance, in case I mess up, she gets to have a happy life ever after. So she is really encouraging me to jump when ever possible...B|
how high can you fly with broken wings ...
life's a journey not a destination

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I am the epitome of the fun jumper. I jump simply because I love the feel, the rush, the addictive high. I need no ratings. I have no desire to instruct. (Though I will lend helping advice on occasion, usually do what I say, not what I do stuff)

All I want in this sport that I have not yet obtained is my riggers ticket (for my own use, and to help keep the prices low for the other fun jumpers) and my PRO rating. The PRO is simply to undercut the prices of other demo teams, and allow the fun jumpers a chance to make those ultra cool jumps. It does help to have friends in the right places for these goals too...

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In relation to Freebird...

I am just sooo damn lucky. I've been with my wife for almost 10 years, 5 married. I started jumping the year after we got married. She wasn't at the DZ for my first 2 jumps (1st day) but she was there the next weekend to see what I couldn't stop talking about. She watched me land my 4th jump (1st w/o radio), looked closely at me and just grinned. Later that night, on the way home, she said she understood my jumping, and would never try and stop me. When I asked what she meant, she just said "I saw the look in your eyes after you landed and thought, If I ever tell him me or skydiving, I'm going to lose." I laughed at that for quite some time, but when I calmed down and thought it over, I had to admit to her that she was right. I found my calling, and not even love can stop it...

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....the more i think about it, the more i know, i'm addicted to the sensation of first, exiting the aircraft, then the sensation of freefall, and different manuevers. i've dabbled in freeflying, rw, and some vrw. but i am not a pro at either. a few humerous things come to mind, the "disaster raft dive" out of the casa (we had too much air in it, it exploded, deploying a sky diver sitting in the rear of the raft) he got a "cross country" out of the deal, "houston, we've got a problem!" then there's the first time i tried to front riser my hornet, it wasn't pretty, but it worked, i'm getting better, but i'm in no hurry (thanks for all the advice sensai) then there's the comaraderie, the crewdogz, the rw teams, and all around "good vibes" everybody that comes to our dz is immediately accepted, and welcomed. on the flight up, if you don't ask for a pin check, what you will get is a "visual" on you big 3, even though you may not know it, they're looking out for you. the "family atmosphere" is also attractive, and has it's benifits, as you don't have to jump by yourself, if you don't want to. we even have people come out and visit, that don't even jump, they just come out to "hang" which is kewel!

lastly, it is my desire to "give back" to the sky diving community through my uspa coaches course, and bic, i hope in some small part to help the newbies be safer, learn quicker, and i bet you a dollar, i'll learn something from one, or more of them along the way. and, let's not forget the "SMILES" when the tandems come down and land, or an aff level 1 lands exactly right, and has a great skydive, it is indeed infectious!

spread the word, even though some of our family and friends think we're nuts, all we can do (me anyway, i can't turn myself off) is try to relay to them how KEWEL that dive just was!

everybody be safe this weekend, share the love, and watch out for the other diver(s) take care..............


thanks everybody for the positive input to this thread, it speaks well of everyone who cheerfully participated! :)
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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Well, like most things in life, it's complicated. There's lots of what everyone else has been talking about, (challenge, people, scene, goals, etc) but there are other things too. Like it's a great antidepressant. There was a time not so long ago when if I had of lept out of a plane I wouldn't even have tried to pull. I would have been happy (ironically) to die. This was, of course, before I started skydiving.

But now everytime I save my life I reafirm the fact that I want to be here. I choose life. I choose to fight. I choose not to give up. It's a powerfull thing for me.

This isn't something I tell the people at the dz, but it is important to me. I want to live my whole life in the moment of exhileration after a skydive. Yes, other things in life are certainly worth doing, but few seem as powerful as the few minutes I spend flying towards the earth.

I'm drowning...so come inside
Welcome to my...dirty mind

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other's i trained with, have been seriously been injured before getting off of student status.

hmmmm ... that doesn't sound right ... where did you train???

I skydive 'cause it's challenging, I enjoy the comradaire with the people I've met there, and it clears all the other shit outta my head for a while.

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First jump was the typical: bored, wanted to see if I could do it, didn't care about the rest of my life, etc what you hear a lot of.

But when I found myself under canopy it was peaceful. Skydiving relaxed me or balanced me in a way I didn't really understand.

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Hmmm...I'm not really sure to be honest. There is something in my psyche that likes to take calculated risks and be in control of an uncontrollable situaiton. I'll never forget the feeling I had after my first jump. It was under a T-10C at Ft. Benning, Ga. I took the first out spot on purpose. Got a smack in the ass and out I went. Totally forgot to count!! That scared me later but it never happened again. Short canopy ride and PLF'd. Went brain dead as soon as my feet hit the ground. I just stood straight up, looked at the sky and the plane flying awway. Then I thought "Wow.....I'm still alive!! Thats pretty damn cool" I still get that to some degree on every jump. Especially when something crazy happens. B|

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It's the freedom... From the moment I get to the DZ until I leave nothing else matters. Might have been a bad day or week at work, maybe the funds are low whatever. The door opens and you make the decision to cut away everying in life for at least the next few moments.

The new friends, the parties, the beer... it all just completes it. ;)

Live as you will want to have lived...

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