skycat 0 #1 July 4, 2002 Sitting here at work watching Fox News, and what pops up on the screen. A shooting at LAX so far 2 dead and 2 injured. Fly it like you stole it! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thrillseek 0 #2 July 4, 2002 when will people learn?? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
indyz 1 #3 July 4, 2002 Looks like El Al security "dealt with" the situation. Those are some guys you don't screw around with. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rgoper 0 #4 July 4, 2002 man, what next? i hate to hear it, but i'm not surprised.--Richard-- "We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michele 1 #5 July 4, 2002 So far, what has been reported is that at 11:33 am, a shooter came up to the El Al counter, and, without speaking, started shooting people. Undercover El Al as well as Airport security returned fire, and killed the shooter. The shooter's first victim (female) was killed, and at least 2 people have been transported to local hospitals, one of them female, the other unknown. There is some scatter-talk about a 2nd gunman still at large, but that is pretty unfounded - witness only, not from the police or El Al. The gunman did NOT breach the "sterile" area. The accessibility from the street to the ticket counter is literally within steps. No guns were taken through any scanners, etc. It could be compared to someone walking into a supermarket and starting to shoot, I suppose. I am hearing that Class B airspace may be closed around LAX. I am also hearing that Los Angeles and surrounding areas have been placed on Tactical Alert, as there is concern that this is a "diversion" of some sort. not that I think that, but it is something to consider. Also, Ontario airport and Burbank have not been affected, still handling all traffic...but I haven't heard a plane for a while, come to think of it...(and no, I am not Henny-Penny-ing...just "reporting"). Could be easily a domestic situation, or something else. No-one knows as of yet. LAPD did in fact describe it as "just a shooting"... Ciels and Pinks- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeatlast 0 #6 July 4, 2002 Unfortunately there will always be those who are sad and dis-illusioned or mad or brain-washed who are ready to try to destroy our way of life .... Fortunately for everyone this situation was contained as far as possible ... I wish we could fix the world's problems but until such time as everyone learns to live together then this sort of thing WILL HAPPEN ... But at least we can lead by example showing a multi-cultural and multi-faith tolerance (even if the faith options are beer or boobies !!!) Blue ones James Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Iflyme 0 #7 July 5, 2002 Quotewhen will people learn?? I have just two words to say: gun control ... How many Americans have been shot dead by other Americans this past week? How many children? How many law enforcement officers? How many people who were loved by their friends and families? Too many ... the price of your freedom to carry guns is too high ... Go ahead and flame me -- you can scream at the top of your lungs for "rights" and "freedom", but it won't bring back the innocent people who are now dead... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhreeZone 20 #8 July 5, 2002 >innocent people Funny how that term can be applied to any one over any topic no matter what the events were. The people that are killed in any conflict are usually called innocent people, but their are usually events leading up to that event that showed they were not totally innocent. People that were killed in Afganastan were called innocent people by locals by the US military calls them hostile targets. Most the people on death row say they are innocent people but the jurys have said that they are not. Innocence is in the eye of the person suffering the most. In terms of gun control.... Education and locking devices are the best way top go inmy opinion.Yesterday is history And tomorrow is a mystery Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bodypilot90 0 #9 July 5, 2002 It's like this, if it wasn't a gun, it would be a car bomb or a knife. They are brain washed guttless people. Guns don't kill people, people do. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michele 1 #10 July 5, 2002 Quote I have just two words to say: gun control ... LOL, you don't live in CA, do you? We are one of the hardest, most stringently regulated gun control states in the union. We even have magazine capacity regulations. "Gun control" doesn't work. Education works. Furthermore, there are rumors of stabbing which occurred at the scene, as well...but that is being hushed up - or is simply rumors, (I wasn't there, I dunno). If true, would you advocate kitchen knife regulations? I am not flaming you - I respect your opinion. I live here, though, and I sincerely don't believe that any additional gun control rules, regulations, and laws would have done a damned thing in this case. Nor in most cases where guns are used. Ciels and Pinks- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cloud9 0 #11 July 5, 2002 QuoteGo ahead and flame me -- you can scream at the top of your lungs for "rights" and "freedom", but it won't bring back the innocent people who are now dead... You invited it! The truth is your a hypocrite, you aren't really concerned for the inocent lives lost. Only the ones lost by guns, because you don't like guns so you don't think anybody should have them. Want proof. We all know more people are killed in car accidents then by guns in America. But hey you see a need for cars so it's an acceptable sacrifice. If the speed limit were lowered to say 25mph we could save thousands of lives every year. But hey it would take to long to get anywhere. Acceptable sacrifice. More children die in swimming pools then by guns in America. But hey you see a need for pools so again acceptable sacrifice. More people die of drug related activity in the US homocide and OD,and its illegal and banned! That hasn't changed a thing people still die. So even if you banned guns completely people would still get killed by them. So why penalize the folks that do see a need for firearms. The people that use them responsibly and legally for sport and protection. Because you don't like them? Because you don't think anyone should own one? Because you don't have one? I have owned guns in my home for over 30 years. In that time no one has ever been shot in my house. There has never been an accidental discharge in my house. A gun from my home has never been used in a crime. My whole family knows how to shoot and enjoys shooting sports. I am not the exception, my house in the the rule. The exceptions are those few that commit crimes with guns. Well I say lets keep guns and ban swimming pools! Where's your emotion for the other deaths? Have you ever posted that just to many kids are dying in swimming pools, it's time to ban them? Of course not because it's not the inocent lives that bother you, its the guns! Thankfully our founding fathers knew there would be people like you around. So they guaranteed us our rights in print! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skyflier 0 #12 July 5, 2002 I always find it slightly alarming when I hear Americans say that "gun control doesn't work". Growing up and living Australia I've been lucky enough to be exposed to a society that doesn't have a constitutional right to bear arms, and funnily enough, we have no where near the amount of shootings that happen in the US. Even allowing for the differences in population, you guys are still well out in front. People may well kill people, but guns do it a lot quicker and easier. I don't care what you say, ofcourse gun control works. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Muenkel 0 #13 July 5, 2002 This reminds me of a bumper sticker that is prevalant in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: "Ted Kennedy killed more people with his car than I have with my firearm". Disclaimer: I do not, nor have I ever owned a firearm. But I will not vote to take the right of owning one away. The problem is not the firearm, it is the person holding the firearm. BTW, OJ's wife and her friend were brutally murdered with a knife. _________________________________________ Chris Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarkM 0 #14 July 5, 2002 QuoteGo ahead and flame me -- you can scream at the top of your lungs for "rights" and "freedom", but it won't bring back the innocent people who are now dead... If you know you're going to start a flame war, then why the fuck post it? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TomAiello 26 #15 July 5, 2002 It's also illegal to own firearms in Northern Ireland. How are their shooting fatality statistics? It's illegal for private citizens in the Palestinian Authority to own firearms. Seems to be working there, as well. Perhaps America suffers from an overabundance of freedom (of all kinds). But, to quote Jefferson "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it." Skydiving claims innocent lives every year--perhaps we ought to ban that as well.-- Tom Aiello Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skyflier 0 #16 July 5, 2002 Seems a rather large inconvenience to me Tom. But it's your country, you do what you like. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nick 0 #17 July 5, 2002 I agree here, in the UK we have very tight gun laws and you here about a shooting once a year or less, even the carrying of kinves is restricted over here and it has been for some time. Appart from the odd maniac shootings and stabbings are so rare i can't remember the last time I heard of one. Plust the big thing is why do you need the right to carry a gun in the US, it's not the wild west any more!!! I know I'm gonna get flammed here, but you must remember I have rights to my opionions just as you want your right to carry a gun!! Nick Nick Gravity- It's not just a good idea, it's the LAW! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ECVZZ 0 #18 July 5, 2002 Quotethe price of your freedom to carry guns is too high It's a damned good thing the founding fathers of this country didn't think like you, or we'd all still be singing God save the queen! Once I took a look at your profile Frank, I understood why you advocate gun control. Well, this is america, not British Columbia, and we do things a little differently here. The crime rate in Washington D.C. sure did drop when gun control took effect there, now didn't it! Washington has one of the highest violent crime rates in the nation. You can see the same result in every instance where gun control has been applied. In Florida (the first state to pass a "must issue" carry permit law) gun control advocates predicted a sharp increase in the homicide rate due to more people not only owning firearms, but carrying them concealed on their person. Imagine their surprise when the violent crime rate fell! About this same time, foreigners vacationing in the state became the target of violent crime (the only ones that criminals knew for sure weren't carrying). Florida chose to begin issuing permits to visitors, and lo and behold, the crime rate against visitors dropped! The wild west mentality that gun control advocates warned would consume the state never materialized. Not only that, but the violent crime rate dropped...explain that!!! Many states now have similar "must issue" carry permit laws in place, and have had results similar to the state of Florida. It is worth noting that the citizens of these states are the ones who pushed for, voted for, and enacted these laws. Guess that's the difference between the U.S. and B.C. huh, Frank. In closing, I will tell you that I have a carry permit in my home state (NV), and I carry daily. Some will say that people who carry are paranoid, and that's their opinion. I will tell you this: I see carrying in the same light as wearing a seatbelt. The people who wear seatbelts do it in case they need it to save them from injury or death. Would you ever get in a vehicle in the first place if you thought that you would actually need that seatbelt? I know that if I ever thought that I would have to use my firearm on a given day, I'd never leave the house in the first place! It comes down to this...I'd rather have my gun and not need it than need it and not have it. You folks in B.C. can do what you want when it comes to firearms, but don't expect the U.S.A. to follow suit! G. Jones "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around, the more I think it might not be a bad idea." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cloud9 0 #19 July 5, 2002 Quotewhy do you need the right to carry a gun in the US I hear this a lot from people that don't like guns. This mentality really scares me. The beauty of a free scociety is you don't have to need something to own it. You only have to be a law abiding adult with money and you can have the things you want. Think about your mentality Why do we need fast cars? we don't Why do we need motorcycles? we don't Why do we need 3800 sq ft homes? we don't Why do we need drop zones? we don't Swimming pools, Sport parachutes, gardens, art, news papers, computers and list go's on. We don't need any of these things. As long as we live in a free Republic we can have them! Well Nick you are certainly entitled to your opinion, and thankfully it takes more then that to take away freedoms and rights. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nigel99 529 #20 July 5, 2002 Sorry Nick I am also in the UK. We may only here of shooting occasionally but recently there have been circa 1 report every week or two. Not necessarily shootings but ppl shot by police cause of waving shotgun around etc. I'm in Wycombe & about 2/3 deaths last year due to shooting, Aylesbury down th e road cops shot a guy with shotgun last week.Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Floater 0 #21 July 5, 2002 one week ago a washington state deputy was shot and killed with his own weapon. the shooter was unarmed, naked, high on crack, and running around in traffic banging on cars. the deputy initially tried to calm the man down by talking to him to no effect. he then pepper spayed him to no effect. during the ensuing struggle the deputies pistol was knocked out of his holster. the suspect picked it up and started shooting. there were several people trying the assist the deputy but, when the shooting started they all ran for cover. while trying to gety away the deputy was shot in the leg. after he fell the suspect walked up and shot him four times in the back of the head. now when you say that people don't have a need to carry a gun, all i say is that if one of those people that were trying to help the deputy initially had been armed, he might still be alive right now. this happened less than 2 miles from my house in a buisness area that i frequent almost daily usually at the time it happened. i do have a concealed carry permit and i am armed whenever i leave my house. i wish i had been there. in skydiving you are responsible for your own safety. why should that be any different off of the dz? lee Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phil 0 #22 July 5, 2002 I must be missing the point. Some stupid fuck is killing two people in LAX, ok, this shit happens often at various places and not just in the US. Ban handguns? Won't work because criminals don't give a shit about law and order. They want a gun, they are going to get them, even if they have to built them themselves. I read that Northern Ireland and Palestinian have Gun control - I'm impressed, ok all the law obeying people care about it and don't own a gun. The Irish are getting killed by bombs and guns and the palestinian People by tanks, helicopters and guns and to be fair to the local situation the israelis by human bombs. Has a gun ban achieved anything? You tell me - I don't know. Why punish the ones that are living by the laws for all the bullshit some stupid loosers are pulling that don't give a s#@t about it? Example Speed limit: let's put it down, so we have less deaths on our road - I say that's wrong. Get the ones off the street, that can not obey the speed limit. Sell their cars burn their license and buy them a bicycle or a train pass. So, unless we can isolate the gene that is responsible for comon sense and treat everybody with it, we will have do deal with the fact, that no matter what the law, no matter what the control will be, the ones that want to cross the line will find a way to do it. IT'S FRIDAY - YES !!!!! THAT MEANS - WEEK-END = JJJJJJJJJJJUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! . . .how high can you fly with broken wings ... life's a journey not a destination Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nigel99 529 #23 July 5, 2002 I've never been to the states so can't comment. But it seems to me that the apparant number of people carrying guns over there can not be a good thing. I support licensing of weapons (don't know if there is licensing in USA or not) - I grew up in Africa only been in UK for 4yrs and guns can be fun. The argument of guns for protection can often be disputed as often the victim is surprised and the presence of their own dangerous weapon only agrivates the situation (i.e your state deputy). BTW I come from Zimbabwe the new official state of Anarchy.Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phil 0 #24 July 5, 2002 QuoteBTW I come from Zimbabwe the new official state of Anarchy cool let's go there - and boys don't forget your guns, sorry I ment toys! Let's do a safari or visit a farm.... . .how high can you fly with broken wings ... life's a journey not a destination Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gravitysurf808 0 #25 July 5, 2002 I'm glad that FOXNEWS "warned" me that this might happen months ago. OMG it kind of did happen? And now they get all this airtime covering it "live". Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites