
Racer main SpeedBag in Infinity container?

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It would work but it might look like crap if you don't do your homework. You would need to get one that is the same dimensions as your current bag. The Racer main pack tray is probably a different shape than your Infinity and might not sit as neatly as your current bag. The folks at Jumpshack are really nice. Give them a call. If they don't already make one that is similar to yours, they might be able to make a custom bag that is the same dimensions as the one that came with your rig.

I just ordered a semi-stowless bag from UPT and we spent quite a bit of time measuring things to make sure it would fit right.


Any compatibility/technical/functional issues with that?


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Thanks! Anyone here, who has used the main SpeedBag in a non-Racer container?

I wanted to try it in my G4 for some time already, but right now I'm way too busy to build one myself and I don't want to bother the good folks at Jumps Shack for a custom design/size bag.
I've jumped almost all of the stow less and semi stow less designs out there in the last 4 years, and just wanted to compare the S.P.E.E.D bag to them. I'll try to find more time this winter for projects like this.
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The Party bag is VSE's semi-stowless deployment bag. The SPEED bag has many stows, closes a little differently than their original bags and is meant to prevent line dump. Most manufacturers are going the other direction with really good results.

My semi-stowless should be in my mailbox this week!


maybe this is a stupid question, buy why not get a party bag from vse? you know it will fit right.

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Velocity Sports/Infinity already also make their own "center-stow" (top-of-bag) deployment bag. They have for quite some time now. It is very well "tried, true, and tested". Why would you want/need to go to another rig manufacturer to try and fit something that some might even end up being potentially, mis-matched?
coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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okay, thanks. that explains the difference. i have a party bag in my infinity, but i have very little experience with racers or it's speed bag.

i have since looked up the speed bag, and while it looks like it will accomplish it's mission (preventing line dump), i don't get why they call it a speed bag when it would take a little longer to close, and probably not any quicker to open. oh well, it's just a name. if it does what you want it to, go for it.B|

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i have since looked up the speed bag, and while it looks like it will accomplish it's mission (preventing line dump), i don't get why they call it a speed bag when it would take a little longer to close, and probably not any quicker to open. oh well, it's just a name. if it does what you want it to, go for it.B|

S.P.E.E.D. (Sequential Parachute Extraction & Equalization Device)

Source http://www.jumpshack.com/default.asp?CategoryID=TECH&PageID=Reserve_Speedbag&SortBy=DATE_D :P
"My belief is that once the doctor whacks you on the butt, all guarantees are off" Jerry Baumchen

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Having closed a reserve SPEED bag on several occasions, I cannot see how this would be any more fun to pack. The flap never lines up as well as I would like and I just end up fighting to get rubber bands through the correct holes.

I have a Party Bag on my two newest Infinities and I enjoy them quite a bit.
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We can work with you to get the bag the same size as what your current bag is. I will say is will accomplish the same goal as if it were in a Racer, Mirage, Vector or any other rig out there. Yes is is a bit of a pain to pack when you first start working with it and I know you use a packer, but like anything new to them they will adapt and learn tricks that will cut down on their time. I pack almost exclusively Racers except for the occasional rig that comes through the shop, and I can lace up a speed bag as quickly as I can "free stow" the the lines in the pouch. Both instances my stows are neat and don't look like a rats nest. It just takes the time to make the pouch stows look nice and even as it does for me to lace up and stow the speed bag. When it comes down to a standard main deployment bag v/s the speed bag the standard will always be quicker but if you have the question about line dump the speed bag wins hands down.

I'd be glad to give you more info but done want to sound like I'm advertising in here, so send me an e-mail if you'd like more!! mikep@jumpshack.com
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