
Synergy 135- hard openings

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I bought Synergy 135, DOM 2001, it was demo with less than 30 jumps. Now it has 60 jumps but from last 10 jumps i have hard opening on it. I use different way of pack job but finally it is the same result. I ask my two friend to do the pack job , effect is the same. I lose my boots:S
Please help me, where can i find the source of this problem?

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Try having someone else (a very experienced jumper) jump your canopy. I've seen jumpers pull from a less than optimal position or not slowing down enough after tracking, and get hard openings due to that. Have that experienced jumper pack the canopy themselves too. say what that jumper has to say about your canopy.

ciel bleu,

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Ahhh yes...

I see your problem.

It's not made by performance designs:)

I must be doing it backwards. After my PD canopy put me in the ER with broken ribs and a hemothorax I took some time off and returned to the sky with a Precision that opens much more consistently.

I'm starting to think that individual canopies have their own personality. I was at a dropzone a few months back that had two jumpers both with more than 1000 jumps on Stiletto canopies. One had zero problems with his, the other had something along the lines of a dozen cutaways or hard openings. Both used the same packer and both were very experienced.

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Could be other things too. Line trim, pilot chute issues, body position, slider issues and condition of the canopy all factor in to it... But yeah, I think they have their own personalities. Some canopies are just drama queens.


I'm starting to think that individual canopies have their own personality. I was at a dropzone a few months back that had two jumpers both with more than 1000 jumps on Stiletto canopies. One had zero problems with his, the other had something along the lines of a dozen cutaways or hard openings. Both used the same packer and both were very experienced.

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MEL could make you a lineset if you needed it. I'm sure he'd have the specs.



do you know where i can find trim specifications for my synergy 135?
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