
Leaving your home DZ

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Well...I have been given an offer with some friends to organize freefly loads, boogies, swoop splashdowns and fun stuff at a new DZ.

I am going to miss my friends I have made over the past 2 years, but what do you do? Is it greedy because I will improve my skills and at the same time help others and help a DZ create a 'new exciting thing'?

It was so hard for me to tell anyone, I didn't tell anyone (except 2 friends) at my old DZ yet.

Should I be ahsamed, I didn't work at my home dZ I was just a fun jumper, but I feel like a traitor.B|

The other DZ (I have friends there too) need help from us, we can change things for them I know it.

What would you do?:|

"Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.

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That is a hard thing to consider, although it is fun to go new places...Personally, I think I would enjoy having the ability to do what you've been offered to do, but that's just me.

Out of curiosity, this a new DZ in Texas?
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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B|Hey, if they're your friends they'll support you in this move. It's a great opprotunity to get out and develop your own style of working in the sport after learning alot from your first DZ. Change is a good thing because it forces us to grow and learn that one way of doing things isn't the only way. Have fun with your new adventure & Good luck!
Hearts & Minds
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Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range

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You know where I'm going...;)

I think we are going to create non-stop load organizing for all skill levels. You should come by.
"Revolution is an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.", Ambrose Bierce.

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Funny thing is - wherever you go is your home dz. Mine was Delmarva first - I learned there. Then Zhills cause I moved to St. Pete. Spending a lot of time up north now and definitely consider Orange my home. None replaces the other - you just have lots of homes now! Always feels like coming home when I go back to any of them! So welcome home!


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I moved 1200 miles from my home dz because it snows there. They became my family and I miss them alot. (They might even miss me, too!) But there is no growth without change, so go ahead and do it!

In a world full of people, only some want to fly... isn't that crazy! --Seal

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I havent been handed the opportunity to jump more then 36 times at any particular DZ.
so all I know is traveling. I think that once I get to vegas I may feel like I am stagnating at ONE DZ.
(i got no prob drivingto another dz)
But I am thrilled to think that maybe I will be PART of a dz. and not just a damn visitor!
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The other DZ (I have friends there too) need help from us,...

Damn - That is SO cool of you to start a charity. Be sure to get your non-profit tax exempt status.

You walked right into that one Ramon. I am only messing with you, bro.


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Go, Ramon, and don't regret your decision at all. Life is all about change and growth, this is a wonderful opportunity. I believe that when life gives you a choice like this, that it's for a reason, and you should take it. There's nothing to be ashamed about. Your skills are being recognized by others- be proud of that and give yourself a pat on the back! And, you said the new dz needs some help. Just think of how you'll feel a year from now, knowing that you made a difference in so many skydiver's lives (assuming you do a good job!) If any of your friends don't support you, then they are just jealous. Your true friends will be happy for you. Go for it!:)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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hey ramon,
after reading all these replies about going it may seem like nobody wants you around:P
I'm guessing thats not the case. LOL
if you are just going "down the road a piece" you can always visit your home when you plan it. its not unusual for people to frequent more then one dz.
if you do some L.O. at the new dz you can bring that experience with you everywhere. if you dont you will only be able to think about your missed opportunity!
have fun!
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Going to other places is great. Don't worry at all about moving. Here's my list so far:

Since April 1, 2001

Taylorville, IL
Monroe, GA (home-sort of)
Gladewater, TX
Vandalia, IL
Pine Hill/Avon, NY
Houston, Tx
Ovid, NY
Chester, SC
Orange, VA
West Point, VA

Account but no jumps-
Rosharon, TX
Hinkley, IL

Stopped to check them out
Wharton, TX (now closed)

Someplaces I stop for a day or a weekend, at others I'm a regular there for a month or two. Every place I've been to has been great and I've never felt like an outsider. It's also kinda neat to be hundreds of miles from home and see your home dz jumpship come in for jumps- fits like an old pair of sweats.

Hit the road and have a blast.

'Wherever you go , there you are.'


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We DO miss you ramon!!! Who is going to shoot our next WVSCR attempt man????? :(:(

Hope you come visit us !

You might be a skydiver if... Your having sex and she whispers in your ear "I've never done this before" and you yell out "Case of Beer"

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