
Do *you* drink Red Bull? (poll, etc)

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Ok, I'm starting this thread because I noticed that a couple of people at my dz (including myself) are addicted to Red Bull Energy Drink. For the uninitiated, red bull is an energy drink that that does weird and wonderful things to your mind and body.
It’s quite a buzz. However, it’s not that I’ve-overdone-it-on-coffee sickening headache buzz, it’s an I-feel-better-than-James-Brown flow that has all my mental and physical parts chiming in together.:D It's almost like a mini-adrenaline rush! (maybe that's why it's so addicting) I find that it works better than coffee and longer. If I don't drink a red bull in the morning I am tired all day, but if I do I am usually good to go until the whistle blows.
One interesting thing about red bull is that it contains a chemical called glucuronolacton (or something) that was used by the US Government during the Vietnam conflict to make soldiers fight harder and longer like gung-ho robots. lol
Just make sure you don't overdo it or u will get all "tembly" which is not fun. hehe.
So, is anyone else addicted to red bull too or am I the only one?

Do *you* drink Red Bull?
No, it sucks.
Yes, it is the nectar of the gods!
It's good for when you need it, but I'm no addict.

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I had a red bull once. Can you say placebo effect. It had no effect on me at all beyond what any can of caffeinated soda would. It's sort of like diamonds, just a good marketing campaign. People think it's cool to drink it, so they buy it and drink it to be cool. :)The 4th paperclip didn't say much, but I could tell that it was still the smartass of the bunch...

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no way man! I swear it works! don't spoil it for me! :( :S :)I still think the taurine and glucamawhatever works b/c I get a longer buzz and less of a downer than coffee. But if it is placebo I don't wanna know cuz I like being tricked if it gives me this effect! :D lol

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I survived on Red Bull through college. My last semester I was taking 24 credit hours, so no time to sleep or whatever. Made coffee with it a few times
After college when I had time to start drinking again I discovered that drink where you fill a pint glass with Red Bull, and drop in a shot of Jaegermeister and drink it like a car bomb or FDP (big shot). Very good.
Come to the dark side

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Reb Bull is good when I need it , but I don't drink it all the time. Last weekend when I had to work at the dz for the 120 ways and I put in 42 hours in three days~~~ Yeah, Red Bull helped me out a lot !!!
What happened to Turbo?
He was to slow so we......

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NO NO NO...get your drinks straight! A car bomb is 3/4 pint of guiness w/ a shot of whisky/baily...that my friend is a car bomb! What you experienced my friend (Red bull & jaeger) is called a Cock Block! By the way...red bull & vodka is good too :-) Nothing like mixing a stimulant & a depressant...your body doesn't know what to think! :-)
Another reason these energy drinks effect u differently from soda is because it has Mau Hung or Guranna (sp?) which has a thermogenic effect (like taking fat burners) & almost act like ephidrine.
;) :)
**I'm a Pschydiver!

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I like Red Bull. It tastes like Sweet Tarts.
I like it with vodka, too, but somehow drinking that feels wrong. Being a hyper drunk is weird for me.
At tunnel camp we drank Go Fast, an energy drink made by a skydiver! all day long...we were all exhibiting Beavis-esque characteristics by the third or so debrief of the day.
It's the Vicodin talking.

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red bull is best when it's free @ the DZ. the red bull people frequented cross keys, unlimited free stuff. It doesn't give me any energy though, i might as well drink water. taste wise it's a little bitter.
as for the irish car bombs, they're ok, but the south jersey car bomb is MUCH better. =c)

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one reason it might not have affected you is because of the adrenaline already in your system. i know i dont drink red bull at the dz is b/c i noticed that it had hardly any effect when i was already rushing on adrenaline and there was no point since adrenaline makes me super alert anyway (or at least skydiving does)

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Mau Hung or Guranna (sp?) which has a thermogenic effect (like taking fat burners) & almost act like ephidrine

Read this warning from the Food & Drug Administration. The fact that something is "herbal" doesn't make it any less potent. The compounds you've mentioned have been linked to numerous injuries and deaths. The problems have grown with the popularity of the items.
Just an FYI.
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> it doesn't affect me anywhere, neither does coffee though. it takes a quadruple espresso to get any reaction from me
large portion of caffeine or any other stimulators will have depressive effect and supress nervous system. are you sure you're not on that level already ? :)
if everything's under control, you are not going fast enough ...

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I like Red Bull. It tastes like Sweet Tarts.
I like it with vodka, too,

I'm with you on this one, Jess. I looked for the "only with vodka" option but, sadly, did not find one. Whether it gives you energy or not, Red Bull kills that nasty vodka taste (don't flame me....I used to love vodka once....in a previous lifetime.)
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Go Fast!! is way better than Red Bull. It tastes better and the "buzz" that you get is nice and smooth, a gradual pick me up, which stays with you, and then lets you down easy. Red Bull on the other hand is like slamming on the gas in your car from a dead stop, then jamming on the brakes to stop. Plus, the skydiver that created to company/drink also created Sky Systems, we need to support our own people!!
"I live to EFS"

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Red Bull is OK.
Go Fast is much much MUCH better! It tastes better, and it works better, too...the up and down isn't nearly as rapid as red bull...more a gradual increase in energy and then it lets you back down slowly. And it doesn't taste like cough medicine.
Plus, you'd be supporting Kurt, the skydiver who invented it (and started the Go Fast company), and Adam, who designed just about all the Go Fast graphics, as well as just about every other skydiving logo or graphic you could think of...
Yes, I'm biased, because I jump with Adam, but seriously, it is so much better:
try this: http://www.gofastsports.com
edited to say: what lawndart said!!!

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I haven't found anything that tastes better than the delicious sweet-tart yummyness of red bull so I gotta get my hands on some of that Go Fast stuff! I have looked for it before, but can't find it anywhere.
Do you buy it locally somewhere or just order it online or something? I wanna try it! (already got one of their t-shirts anyway (i have a sky systems helmet too))

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I would say the best thing to do is either convince your DZO to become a dealer, or just send the folks at Go Fast an email and ask the question.
Seriously, though, if your DZ starts selling it, Red Bull will become a thing of the past, since everyone I've talked to that tries Go Fast loves it.
And it tastes good with Vodka, too.

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