
License Questions

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I'm not sure if I am just not looking in the right place or not, but I am trying to find out info on the different licenses and what they allow and don't allow. I know there at A, B, C and D but I don't know what the differences are...any help?

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In terms of what they allow:

Most dropzones won't let you do anything but Solos until you are licensed.

Some dropzones have different rules for different licenses in terms of what they'll let you do (i.e. nothing over a 4-way until you have a 'B' or something like that). My home DZ makes you land at a student landing area (a bus ride away) until you get a 'B' license. It's all dependent on the dropzone you are at.

Your best bet is to ask the people at the DZ you're learning at what the restrictions are there, because those are going to be the first ones you run up against.
-- Tom Aiello


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A is 20 not 25.

A License
1. Persons holding a USPA A license may pack their own
main parachute, engage in basic group jumps, perform
water jumps, and must have
a. completed 20 freefall jumps
b. completed all requirements listed on the USPA A
License Proficiency Card

B License
2. Persons holding a USPA B license are able to exercise
all privileges of an A-license holder, perform night
jumps, attend a USPA Basic Instructional Course, and
must have
a. obtained a USPA A license
b. completed 50 freefall jumps including:
(1) accumulated at least ten minutes of controlled
freefall time
(2) landed within ten meters of target center on
ten jumps
c. demonstrated the ability to perform individual
maneuvers (a figure 8, backloop, figure 8, back-loop)
in freefall in 18 seconds or less
documentation of live water landing training with
full equipment in accordance with the procedures
in the Skydiver’s Information Manual
e. passed a written exam conducted by a
current USPA I, I/E, S&TA or USPA
Board member.

C License
3. Persons holding a USPA C license are able to exercise
all privileges of a B licensed jumper, are eligible for the
USPA Coach and IAD or Static-Line Jumpmaster rat-ings,
and must have—
a. met all current requirements for or hold a USPA
B license
b. completed 100 freefall jumps including
accumulating at least 20 minutes of controlled
freefall time
c. landed within five meters of target center on
20 jumps
d. completed at least four points on a 4-way
or larger random skydive or perform individual
maneuvers (a figure 8, backloop, figure 8,
backloop) in freefall in 15 seconds or less
e. Passed a written exam conducted by a current
USPA AFF, IAD, or Static-Line Instructor, I/E,
S&TA, or USPA Board member.
Persons holding a USPA D license are able to exercise
all privileges of a C license holder, participate in cer-tain
demonstration jumps, are eligible for all USPA
ratings, and must have—
a. met all current requirements for or hold a USPA
C license
b. completed 200 freefall jumps including
accumulating at least one hour of controlled
freefall time
c. landed within two meters of target center on
25 jumps
d. demonstrated the ability to perform individual
(1) during freefall, perform in sequence within 18
seconds—a backloop, front loop, left 360-
degree turn, right 360-degree turn, right bar-rel
roll and left barrel roll
(2) completed at least two points on an 8-way or
larger random skydive
e. made two night jumps (one solo and one in a
group) with a freefall of at least 20 seconds
(1) with verification of prior night jump training
from a USPA Instructor
(2) with the advice of an S&TA, in accordance
with USPA BSRs
f. passed a written exam conducted by a current
USPA I/E, S&TA rated as an AFF, IAD, or Static-Line
Instructor, or a USPA Board member.
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USPA Overview...

A=complete 20 freefall jumps
-Complete a proficiebncy card and have it signed off by an instructor.

B=Have a A License
-have 50 jumps
-Perform figure 8, backloop, figure 8, backloop in 18 seconds or less.
-Document of Live water training.-Pass a written exam

C=have a B license
-100 jumps
-land within 5 meters of target on 20 jumps
-Complete 4 points on a 4 way
-Pass a written exam

D=Have a C license
-200 jumps
-25 landings within 2 meters of target-
2 points on a 8 way
-2 night jumps.
-written exam

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