
Manufactures, Senior Rigger, Master Rigger, DPRE Need your input !!

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Well call me crazy but i have packed and handled multiple hundreds of rigs New/Used of all shapes and forms. Recently I purchased a wings vision container and ordered the magnetic riser cover option.. My problem lies in the magnetic riser assembly its self. I believed in the beginning that when i packed my reserve my ears were to big creating to much bulk at the top of my reserve container, thus causing them not to close properly.. I have then repacked my reserve 4 times trying to get them to seat properly… not the problem. 2nd I thought it was that the new magnetic riser assembly was new and thought that the codora was new and needed to be broke in.. threw that out idea out the window as soon as i thought it. I am asking all manufactures, senior riggers, master riggers, DPRE to take a look at the photos attached and let me know if i have a manufacture defect on my hands because i have tried everything to make these work and have had no success. Problem lies in just dawning the gear and in the air, when i step out of the air craft in any position rear,middle,or front float position and in free fall they come open and I'm afraid of it being a snag hazard on object in and out of the aircraft. Any and all respectful comments and course of actions recommendations would be greatly appreciated. ADAM I tried to attach multiple photos and i have many showing the issue but they will not load at this time. If you would like to see them just give me your email address and i can send them i will also try to attach them later!!!

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Mr. Akers thank you for your insight, I have not contacted the manufacture as of yet. I will be doing so 1st thing in the morning. I wanted to post my finding here to get some input and to mabe i just wasn't seeing something but after making some phone calls and emailing some pictures around to some fellow master riggers. My assumption has been finalized as what I'm seeing is real and i will be contacting the Maufacture in the morning so we can figure the best course of action to remedy the situation Again i thank you for your insight and knowledge..

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I've had the problem of my riser cover coming undone. It ended up being the cover was cut too short and needed to be sent back to the manufacture. Hopefully it will fix the problem. Still waiting on getting it back. This wasn't on a wings or with magnetic riser covers but I could see how it could be the same problem.

Like chuck said contact the manufacture and see what they say

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Those look like they were cut a bit short on the outside, or possibly that your right side one was sewn on just a bit cocked to give it that bubble like in your first picture.

I just packed a tiny one and the owner was having problems with it coming open, so we did some surgery and relocated/added some stronger magnets.
Sunrise are working on improving the set up, as we sent them pictures of what we did and they drop us some info on their potential fixes.

Their customer service is good and their turn around times that I have seen for repairs have been pretty damn quick. Def give them a call on Monday.
Not again!

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