
With all of the bad...

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I will come roaring in on my black K1200rs, a huge royal blue gearbag lashed to the seat behind me. I will be encrusted with 460 miles of high speed bug impacts. My gear is all royal blue, black and red. I, like you, oh bytch, jump a Spectre. I'm thinking I would like to do the water training right when I get there around noon, and then jump all afternoon and into the night. I will buy you a pint if you're still around Saturday after the night jumps, and maybe we can beat the current dropzone RW record on Sunday if we can get 11 more people! Har! I'm feeling much better! Motorcycle riding and skydiving all weekend. Maybe I could find a bomb to defuse.. Oh wait, I'll meet the Skybytch instead of deciding what wire to cut! Yeee Haw!

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You sure you want to do that? I've heard she's a real bitch...

That is bYtch, Lisa. And you are anything but a bitch. This I know.
Other good news: I can still type, my head doesn't hurt as much as yesterday, although the rest of my body feels like a truck ran over it, and it's only 6 weeks til I jump again....
It's a gorgeous day, and it's good to be here!
Ciels and Pinks-
Life is what you make it; always was, always will be.
~Grandma Moses~

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Woo HOO! So glad you're starting to get about again....sounds kind of rough, but skydivin' chicks are tough.... It's really good to see you around!
Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun
'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion

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....AND I just got through making 11 tie dyes to take with me on the 4th.... my back hurts from working over a sink that's too low, but now I'm kicked back on my little 'puter with a margarita. The kids have been pretending to be vampires all afternoon, and that's kind of funny.... It's warm outside, and a weekend is coming soon.....(not that my weeks are all that difficult any more, but no planes flyin' around here until Saturday)....seems that all's right in my little corner of the world. That's good....
Ya' know Smack-water Jack he bought a shotgun
'cause he was in the mood for a little con-fron-ta-tion

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It's all about perspective. Here's what I'm happy about:
I get to leave work around 10 p.m. tonight...I may hit the pub. :)I will be making out with my favorite person in one day and 20ish hours, and jumping at my home dropzone with all my old friends shortly thereafter.
I'm on track to make my 100th jump this weekend -- it might end up being a night RW jump. Maybe I can land on the dropzone this time.
I'm getting drunk with my best friend, who I haven't seen in months, on Saturday night.
It's the Vicodin talking.

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Let's see...
I have a new, good job that I think will work out really well.:)I'm selling my house, which will get me out of a nasty debt hole. :)I finished the first complete draft of my novel, and am finally looking for an agent. B|
I'm skydiving! :D:D
I found a used rig to buy! :)Yup, life is good.

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duh... I meant that the OTHER way around Bytch...
and to make a nite jump, (SIM6-4)you need to have your B or higher which would mean a minimum of 50 jumps.... (i've seen the requirements listed as B qualified too since many jump over it and go for the C)
the INTERNET comes in any color you'd like

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I have three Pacifico's in the fridge.

please explain this. I was stationed with a STEVE PACIFICO in texas(and hung out a few time w him in fla). I lost contact with him after he left florida. if he is still in your 'fridge can you tell him(or at least his head) that I am looking for him?
theres a good thing--
I think I found my buddy! all this time i thought he went back to cali!
another good thing. I am only about 60 dAYS FORM MY NEXT JUMP!!(may seem extensive to some of you but I had to be away from the sky for 365 days) I am on the downwind leg! landing soon at a dz near(none of )you!
Long Island first
then Vegas..
and all of the dz's within a 4-6 hour drive (one way,8-12hrs round trip)shortly after I arrive in vegas!
Have fun, Live free, SKYDIVE!!

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