
Skydiving Fashion

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I think one of the more surprising things about skydivers in general is that they're not the green-haired, Mountain Dew-swilling, multi-pierced XXX-treme crazies that one would expect. I mean, there's a few, but generally, the folks at my DZ look like...well, someone's parents. I can't expect my friend's mom to look chic, so I can't expect it of my fellow skydivers either.
Anyway, when I leave for the DZ, it's in the early morning, generally wearing stuff I don't mind getting sweating and dusty and sporting a few day's stubble. I look a lot more presentable when I go out, I swear. It's just not that important when jumping out of planes.
That said, the spandex is largely uncalled for. Some (OK, most) people just aren't supposed to wear it.

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Oh Davie hun dems fightin words! ;)
Didn't you see some of da stuff we got goin heyaw?
Mohawks colored yeller wif bright blue riggin and stuff.......OH and ya'll should see what I did to Ash's hair! ROFLMAO
If you learn not to expect anything, you don't leave room for disappointment.

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Yeah I didn't want to go into how I noticed that when I'm shopping for the house the colors I tend to buy are my gear colors. I finally forced myself to break away from the blue and yellow and make my guest bath purple and green although there is purple on my rig and freefly pants :P

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I think one of the more surprising things about skydivers in general is that they're not the green-haired, Mountain Dew-swilling, multi-pierced XXX-treme crazies that one would expect. I mean, there's a few, but generally . . .

Ya ever been to Perris during the Freefly Film Festival? [snicker]

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>As in a girl learns which t-shirts get her more free t-shirts.
Yeah, but Val, if you have to give away your T-shirt to get a new T-shirt, you don't really come out ahead . . .
>Other girls learn which shirts get them free pack jobs.
I wonder if a "virused drunkard" T-shirt would get those free pack jobs?
-bill von

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I dread to show this pic cause its a bad one. But I think its time to bust it out just for you scoby.
P.S. it is bad, bad light, bad angle, and I dont have any gel.. hehehe but like i said i dont care. ;Þ no really i dont
P.P.S. It doesnt show my peircing either. ;) *MUWAHAHA*
P.P.P.S. Ok I look fat in the picture, but Im not so screw you.
"Its one thing to tempt death, its another to bitch slap him"
Daytona Beach Fl
DZ: Deland
AIM: Derekbox

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For not caring how you look, you sure did make a lot of excuses just now... :)
Don't just preach it... Live it!
Here's a proposition for everyone: This coming up weekend, to honor our Freedom at the DZ, I say we all sport the craziest articles of clothing we can dig out of our closets! I'll leave it up to the collective imaginations of each and every one of you to practice discretion where you see fit (or not). Then, on Monday, we'll all posts pictures... Maybe we could even give out a prize for the "best dressed"? Pun very much intended... The only catch is: You CAN'T tell anyone else that you're doing it for a specific reason. You must simply carry on about your normal skydiving business like normal...
"pull high! It's lower than you think..."

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For what it's worth, at my last house, both of my roommates sported tattoos and mohawks (er, oh yeah, so does my current roommate), but none of them would jump out of a plane. However, the moms and dads at my DZ do, so who's more hardcore?
Oh, I did see a few "extreme" types at Perris when I went there, but still not that many.

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so who's more hardcore?

The one with the mohawk, the peircings (well ok 1) and who jumps out of the airplane. ;) I am pretty much nuts. If you dont believe me ask the voices in my head. Derek
"Its one thing to tempt death, its another to bitch slap him"
Daytona Beach Fl
DZ: Deland
AIM: Derekbox

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I always get a kick out of the tandem students who arrive with their mascara and lipstick just perfect.....heehee....you can always spot the whuffos!
AND.....I know one skydiver who wears only Banana Republic clothes to the dz.....khaki shorts, shirt tucked in, nice belt...I mean LOOSEN UP!

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Hell yes! The worse, the better! I think, however, that we should try not to make them too off the wall so as to not give away our little secret. I mean come on, let's face it, no matter how horribly Clay dresses, if he shows up in a sheep costume no one is going to believe it's just normal attire... Or would they??? Only kidding clay... The more I think about this the more anxious I'm becoming at seeing some photos...!
"pull high! It's lower than you think..."

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I think skydiving (and sports in general) kind of call for utilitarian attire. At the last dz party I dressed up all Marilyn Monroe style and this guy this weekend asked me why I didn't do it then: well duh, I'm jumping out of an airplane. As soon as I find hairspray that can withstand 120 miles an hour of wind I'll dress up all nice and pretty for ya :P
Seriously, I wear pajama pants (highly recommended) and t-shirts all weekend long and I like it that way!
Isn't life the strangest thing you've ever seen?

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I know one skydiver who wears only Banana Republic clothes to the dz.....khaki shorts, shirt tucked in, nice belt...I mean LOOSEN UP!

Oh, come on. Have some balls girl! Name Names! ;)
Yup, t'is me.
And hey, I had a Honda Racing shirt, no belt, and Sandles on this weekend! Gimme some credit!
I *DO* think this is going to make BitchinBetsyBarnhouse's contest rather difficult, though.
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Guidelines? Let's see:
1. Nothing that didn't actually come out of an actual wardrobe should be worn. That doesn't mean it can't be from 1943, but it has to have been "in service" at one point or another.
2. It absolutely, positively cannot be color coordinated with any gear or other article of clothing that you wear throughout the course of the jumping day.
3. You may not inform any other person at the DZ that your outfit is for this special occasion. You must give off the impression that this is nothing more than an everyday outfit...
4. You must attempt to hit on a member of the opposite sex at least once (respectfully of course)... #4 is optional, but would definitely make for the best pics!!! :)
I'm open to suggestions...
"pull high! It's lower than you think..."

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Real men don't wear pink or purple...

Au Contraire, Bytch, it takes a real man to wear pink or purple.:)For the record, my FF pants are purple w/gray stripe down the side, and I tend to wear purple t-shirts with them. My G3 is charcoal with purple tiedye and my main is lemon w/blackberry (purple) ribs and stabs. :o

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Yeah, but Val, if you have to give away your T-shirt to get a new T-shirt, you don't really come out ahead . . .

If the old t-shirt could be bought at any local garage sale/Goodwill for $3, and the new t-shirt comes out to about $20, that's really a $17 profit! And, if a free "scuba" t-shirt is included, well, that's just icing on the cake (not that I would know from personal experience.)

I say we all sport the craziest articles of clothing we can dig out of our closets!

I've got this beautiful jacket that looks like the one Madonna wore in "Desperately Seeking Susan"! I've been needing a good excuse to bust it out of the closet. Too bad I didn't save that Vanilla Ice t-shirt, though.
You can't stop me; you can only hope to contain me!

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