
glass bowl

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is it ok to use a sceen in my glass bowl ???

Always use a screen. Not using one is a waste of good shit. Don't get the brass ones though. They're easier to clean, but you get nasty chemicals in the smoke when you burn them. Get the stainless steel ones. In a pinch, the one in your kitchen faucet will work, but I wouldn't recommend that on a regular basis.

what are the saftey issues here ?

Well, you'll probably lose some smoke out the crack, which could be an economic issue depending on the quality of your stash. You might want to throw some gaffer's tape on it.

what kind of lighter should I use ?

No lighters! Lighters impart more chemicals to the smoke. Use matches.
My advice? Ditch that glass bowl and buy a 4 foot glass bong.
Not that I would know a damn thing about it.
pull & flare,
"Try not. Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda sez

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>is it ok to use a sceen in my glass bowl ???
I'm not sure about that stuff, but maybe you can answer some skydiving questions for me. I have 27 jumps, and I graduated from AFF last week (well, I didn't exactly graduate, but one DZ near me lets me jump without a JM, so I'm effectively graduated.) One guy at the DZ said I shouldn't be jumping a Crossfire-2 97 yet, but everybody thinks he's a wimp, and I've landed it OK twice.
Should I do a two stage flare? What is that, anyway? Pulling them down works OK but I have to do it really low and I pop up like 20 feet. My DZO sold me the canopy used for really cheap ($2400! he said it was a great deal) so I really want to learn to swoop it like I saw on that RealTV show. But the end of that show wasn't so great, so I want to avoid that.
And I do want to get a new rig. He also sold me the rig and a reserve, but the container's just not comfortable. I want to get one of those RS Javelins, but no one will tell me if my reserve will fit. It's a Navy Cone 24 or something, I forget exactly, but my DZO said it was really safe. Does anyone know how to make that fit?
And should I get an AAD? I wanted to, you know, to be safe, but someone told me it doesn't arm till 1500 feet, and our plane can't always get that high. It seems like they should make it arm sooner - it's supposed to save your life, right? Well, how can it do that if it doesn't even arm?

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One time at work a collegue, stymied by the editing of a drug bust story, turned to me and said quite seriously, "Hey, I bet you would know this. How much is a 'quarter bag' of marijuana?"
"What, do I look like a pot head?" I asked indignantly. "And are you talking price, weight or volume?"
It's the Vicodin talking.

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I have 27 jumps, and I graduated from AFF last week


I shouldn't be jumping a Crossfire-2 97 yet

That guy is crazy, it is much easier to land than a huge square canopy like a Triathlon 150. Save the bigger canopies for later when you get more experience.

My DZO sold me the canopy used for really cheap ($2400! he said it was a great deal)

Wow, that is a great deal, it must be at the end of it's life or something. If it is relatively new, let me know how to get in touch with him so I can get one!

so I really want to learn to swoop it like I saw on that RealTV show. But the end of that show wasn't so great, so I want to avoid that.

Again, this comes down to canopy selection, the guy on Real TV had one of those massive canopies that you should save for when you are more experienced, stay with the Xfire 97 and you should be good. At 150' just pull on one of the toggles as hard as you can and let it go at around 25'

I want to get one of those RS Javelins, but no one will tell me if my reserve will fit. It's a Navy Cone 24 or something, Does anyone know how to make that fit?

Yeah, that will fit, you just have to make the closing loop for the reserve really long, and get a friend to step on it as your packing it to help squish it in there. Also the bag thing they send you with the container seems pointless to me, I just tied the reserve pilot chute to the reserve with a pull up cord, that makes it much easier to do.

And should I get an AAD?

Nonono, AAD's are stupid, they always misfire, and cost like a thousand dollars or something, just pull the handles, it's less hassle.
Come to the dark side

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Skydivehigh, you know that I think you are great, you are very funny, and a great big smart-ass. But, sometimes it doesn't come across well over the internet, so be careful or you're going to get really flamed. This site is chock full of information, and you'll meet a lot of great friends on it if you stick around and refrain from trolling. Who knows, maybe someone will even buy you a jump ticket someday if you're lucky! ;)
I'm high as a kite
I just might
Stop and check you out.

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