
How does one become a "Cutter"??

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Okay, it's been a week in 'the city' now (okay, not a BIG city, but it's definately not Ponca!) and I have to say I have a new pet peave. CUTTERS! You know who you are. We all wait in line patiently on the road because of construction or whatever, while YOU fly by us on the open lane that's about to close, the one we're supposed to stay off of right now, then find some dumbass to let you in, thereby screwing the rest of us and getting yourself to your destination more quickly.
I swear I'm going to become a vision of road rage if I don't learn that neat little trick! ;) Merrick just laughs at me while I spit and spew and threaten to get out the next time we're sitting there and go rip somebody a new one! Prob'ly not the best idea..lol.

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go rip somebody a new one!

Oh! Take one out for me, please! I hate when people do that, and I refuse to let them in when they pull up and try to cut their way in front of me at the last possible second. But I'd surely love to see someone get out of their car, walk up to the [bleep]ing jerk, pull the [bleep]hole out of their [bleep]ing car and then pull their [bleep]ing heart out through their [bleep]ing throat!
Oh. Wow. Sorry 'bout that. Got a little road rage going there just thinking about it... ;)
pull & flare,
"Try not. Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda sez

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I must confess that if I see a chance to "cut" in and thereby decrease my travel time, I'll do it...every man/woman for them self in the traffic in my opinion. The trick is to stick the nose of your car into the space you want to get back into even if it doesn't look like the other commuter is willing to let you in. But then again, I'm a rude Australian.

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The trick is to stick the nose of your car into the space you want to get back into even if it doesn't look like the other commuter is willing to let you in.

I am glaring balefully at your post.
Pammi, please, please don't ever do this. It's horrible. Every time I see someone do this I wish a thousand curses on them. We're better people for having left 5 minutes earlier and not needing to be horrible evil road hogs.
*breathing hard with self-righteous indignation*

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The trick is to stick the nose of your car into the space you want to get back into even if it doesn't look like the other commuter is willing to let you in. But then again, I'm a rude Australian.

People who do that to me are risking fender damage. I drive a piece of shit car that I'd love to have someone else's insurance replace for me - wouldn't be my fault, "I was in my lane and he veered over in front of me; I couldn't stop or swerve in time." If I'm pissed enough I won't stop. Or swerve.
But I'm a rude Californian and a woman at that. I swear, I'm such a bad driver... just never know when I'll stomp on it and not get out of your way...
pull & flare,
"Try not. Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda sez

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just never know when I'll stomp on it and not get out of your way...

Way to go, Lisa!
I love it when they try to do that to me when I'm driving the RV, seems like they aren't too eager to argue with 15 tons of steel, kevlar and fiberglass...:o

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My my, this does seem to be sensitive topic...maybe driving etiquite is different in the states, but over here if there is a free lane then I see no reason to not make good use of said lane. I guess the same applies to the car pool lane; i must also confess to being guilty of that when I'm in a hurry.
I'm not advocating dangerous driving, merely highlighting an technique that may can in handy for all involved...however, if I ever find myself in california of texas for some reason, I'm sure I'll be much better behaved.

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if there is a free lane then I see no reason to not make good use of said lane

When there are cars backed up in a lane to take, say, the connecting ramp to another interstate, and there are two lanes to the left for those bypassing the turn, are you saying you will go in one of those lanes and then, at the last possible moment, try to squeeze into the lane with all the drivers who have been following the rules and waiting their turn?
If so, you are a far bigger jerk and a&*@##$ than just merely a rude Aussie!:P

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"When there are cars backed up in a lane to take, say, the connecting ramp to another interstate, and there are two lanes to the left for those bypassing the turn, are you saying you will go in one of those lanes and then, at the last possible moment, try to squeeze into the lane with all the drivers who have been following the rules and waiting their turn?"
Ummm, no, I don't believe I said that at all. In fact all I was really doing was responding to a post. Mellow the f@#f out dude.

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I'm an American, and I have no qualms about doing that in a closed lane/construction setting if I'm in any kind of a hurry. The interstate exit scenario you describe is, in my opinion, a TOTALLY different thing, and I wish death and leprosy on anyone who cuts to the head of a backed-up line at an exit.
But if there's construction ahead, and people are intentionally leaving a whole lane open so they can sit in line and wait, that's their own f'in problem. They're actually causing more traffic to back up by doing that. So what. There are many kinds of rude driving behavior I hate, but this behavior is actually pretty logical in my opinion. Of course, I have been driving most recently in Manhattan and Boston, so my opinion may not be representative of the rest of the country...
Blue skies to all you poor people sitting in line stewing,

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Pammi, ya know I luv ya but pease stay out of and away from NY!;)
I say this for two reasons.1) you will get killed in the traffic there and 2) it will cause a bigger traffic jam then there is already.
I dont want to see you get hurt!:)Im sure we are talking about two completely different things but there is ALWAYS construction goin on in NY! if you DONT know how to drive in THAT atmosphere you may as well stay home.
There are two different types of drivers!! and in NY you gotta incorporate both simutaneously.
defensive-- everyone is TRYING to kill you! know where they are aiming and move out of the way.
aggressive-- know your "outs" and take them! dont let anyone get close enough to kill you!
I could drive a beer truck through key hole if I needed to. NY'ers do NOT slow down they maneuver thier metal coffins around each other until you get to where you need to go.
does that make me an asshole? maybe in other states but...it gets me where I need to go, while you tourists are still bitching about me in the gridlock!;)
hmmm! why do I feel like Im gonna get flamed!;) that's OK im used to it!:)Have fun, Live free, SKYDIVE!!

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I will drive in the open lane, cut in front of you, and you WILL let me in.

Jeeeeeeeeez...must be a north vs. south thing. To me, this would be just incredibly rude.
I might let someone who did this in, because I'm a sweet girl, but I'll give him or her a very, very, very dirty -- downright filthy, even -- look.

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>I will drive in the open lane, cut in front of you, and you WILL let me in.
Actually, you'll hit me. Someone tried that once. He didn't stop, I didn't let him in, so he ran into me. I made the "bill face" at him, he looked worried and drove away. Called the cops, got a report, and his insurance company went after him for a hit and run. I got a new door out of it! (Actually, the money for one - I kept the money.)
-bill von

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Jeeeeeeeeez...must be a north vs. south thing. To me, this would be just incredibly rude.

Here is the thing. I am all about manners. I will correct you if you don't use please and thank you.....but I just don't happen to care if the drivers of the cars around me think I am rude...I DON'T KNOW THEM!!!!!

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Around here I see 18 wheelers moving over and eating up the shoulder or narrowing lanes. Works great, except this one time I saw a guy go over the handlebars of a motorcycle trying to go around in the grass. He was fine and seemed more worried about the bike than himself.

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