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Damnit if the neighbor didnt have his so called "Music" turned up again. I asked very nicely if he would mind turning it down a bit, "but, but I'm having a party!".... "But I'm trying to sleep!"
3:00 in the F*&*((*&%$ morning I have ear plugs in and a pillow over my head. This is the same dude that I went to retreive at the airport and was no where to be found...for an hour. So much for being a nice person eh?
That's just friggen IT! Let's hear your suggestions for payback........and make 'em good! >:(
And once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward......

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Did you ever see the episode of the Osbournes when their neighbors were doing that same thing. This is what you do...
1. Yell at them.
2. Blare old Black Sabbath back at them.
3. Throw a ham at them.
4. Throw firewood through their windows.
5. Apologize to the police and get away with it!
Into the brave new world, I hope I see you on the other side of this strange new world. - Richard Ashcroft

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LMAO thanks Spy! hehe cept they would throw him in the clink for ummmmmmmm"contraband"....uh huh uh huh.And I do have to live here...ummm need something else......
And once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward......

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That will make her unpopular at the dz

Oops, I didn't realize the neighbor was a skydiver also..
In that case, my next suggestion would be to give up and start partying with them, but b/c of your occupation, I guess that wouldn't be such a good idea either... hrm, I'm stumped
Come to the dark side

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How about sneaking into their home when they are gone and replacing their "contraband" with orageno?
Or, sneak in a piss in their alcohol bottles and mix it well so they don't know until they drink it?
Into the brave new world, I hope I see you on the other side of this strange new world. - Richard Ashcroft

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Ummm powdered sugar? oregano? hummmmmmm how about I just quit being pleasant? No sorry I can't help you. No sorry, I am unavailable. No sorry..........I won't water your plants............sorry i can't take you to the airport..........No so sorry!
And once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward......

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Yes - definitely stop doing favors for this ungrateful bozo. Does he party every friday? BEfore he gets home from work superglue the locks on his doors. He wont' have time to prepare and he'll have to call the whole thing off. And NO - he cannot use your phone to call for help! Gotta help inconsiderate neighbors. How did there get to be so many of em out there?!

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OOOOOOO I like that one........wonder if i can ehemmmmmmm get one of my buddies to do me a favour? LOL..........*bats eyelashes, "but it's just a small favour, and you don't like him either!" said innocently.
And once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward......

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I've got a very good friend who could sort this out, he is unique, it works every time for any situation, we had a lot of prob's at one time but they just dissapeared, but he lives in London, Sorry.
"Skydiving's a source, it'll change your life, swear to God"

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I would, the offer is very tempting, but Chromeboy is stalking every hottie I speak to on the board right now......;)...He says you are already his.:(
Besides, my Nacmacgirl is waiting for me back in Bonnie Scotland, with a Nacmacjunior due around the 9th june, so no time left for a wee trippy across to Florida.......Mebbe in a parallel universe, or in a different time space continuum, we have already settled down and are raising an entire packing shed of beautiful baby rigs....I'm sure they are all fine fair and strong babies too....:o
GR# 37
Remember how lucky you are to see and touch the sky; the blind may only dream.

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>That's just friggen IT! Let's hear your suggestions for payback . . .
Buy some fish. Get into his trailer and hide it some place he won't find it (behind a wall panel?) Easy, and he will probably avoid his trailer for a few months.
-bill von

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LOL.......oh com'mon Bill all the women that traipse through his place? I seriously doubt fish will bother him at all! Bwaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh
Dynamite......mmmmmm DD you are scaring me hon;)
Bird seed.........well now there's a thought.............maybe get up on the top of his place with a bit o' peanut butter and some bird seed.........
And once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward......

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