diverdriver 6 #26 June 11, 2002 Oh yah....that's right. Forgot that.Chris Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #27 June 11, 2002 So this is what we've been reduced to? Ensign Pulver responces? Marbles in the overhead & firecrackers?Hey, I got an idea, why not throw his favorite plant overboard?quadehttp://futurecam.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bbarnhouse 0 #28 June 11, 2002 Oh Quade dahling......bad day?I am open to suggestions..............And once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward...... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dove 0 #29 June 11, 2002 Or you could just vaseline his doorknobs! Old dorm gag! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sebazz1 2 #30 June 11, 2002 Why not just get some friends and tip his farking trailor over? Really the bird seed idea sounds like the least harmful and most entertaining......... The best thing to do if he does not get it is to write a polite letter demanding respect or else your 7 foot tall linebacker brother for the Arizona Cardinals will be coming to pay a visit.Sebazz........ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lummy 4 #31 June 11, 2002 But that was such a great movie!!! It's my inspiration in life ;)How about some Home Alone Antics? Like the gangsta movie / pizza guy at thre door trick?One shot... HEY!!! Mas Tequila!!!! Two Shots HEY HEY!!!! Three Shots....... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChromeBoy 0 #32 June 11, 2002 How about pretend you are sexually attracted to him and you are gonna go down on him and then when he pulls it out hit him in the balls really hard and tell him to turn down his damn music at night or you are gonna do worse. Into the brave new world, I hope I see you on the other side of this strange new world. - Richard Ashcroft Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nacmacfeegle 0 #33 June 11, 2002 Is there something you do involving ants, honet, and his air vents? I don't know about Arizona insects, but I bet there are some nasty ones out there.......how would one attract them and perhaps lure them into his trailer without him knowing?CyaDGR# 37Remember how lucky you are to see and touch the sky; the blind may only dream. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhillyKev 0 #34 June 11, 2002 QuoteI don't know about Arizona insects, but I bet there are some nasty ones out thereThink they're called, "scorpions".cielos azules y cerveza fría-Kevin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nacmacfeegle 0 #35 June 11, 2002 And are there snakes? They're always good for a larrf....CyaDGR# 37Remember how lucky you are to see and touch the sky; the blind may only dream. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhillyKev 0 #36 June 11, 2002 Yes, they're called Arizona Diamond Back rattlers....quite a few nasty critters out there...not to mention what a cactus in his bunk would do.cielos azules y cerveza fría-Kevin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChromeBoy 0 #37 June 11, 2002 Put nair in his shampoo bottle.Into the brave new world, I hope I see you on the other side of this strange new world. - Richard Ashcroft Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nacmacfeegle 0 #38 June 11, 2002 Are we getting the picture then, I'm much more into natural things like this than nasty messy TNT....But diamind back rattlers and scorpions sound extreme, can't you get hold of cockroaches, stink bugs, mosquitos, wasps, bees and such like?Cactus in the bunk sounds just fine though....hehehe, A prick for a prick kinda thing....CyaDGR# 37Remember how lucky you are to see and touch the sky; the blind may only dream. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bbarnhouse 0 #39 June 11, 2002 Chromey~ the dude actually informed me when I first moved in that he would be happy to "take care of me".....huge turn off! Seeing some of the stuff he has drug home, makes me think he prolly has a refillable script! LOL and ummmmm I don't want to see his little Belgian package!Scorpions yes! But that would require handling them and putting myself in danger, same goes for the snakes. Oh come on y'all surely you can come up with something!So far the birdseed is ahead. Lovely thought that! Pecking....And once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward...... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrHixxx 0 #40 June 11, 2002 QuoteLet's hear your suggestions for payback........and make 'em good! Insist that he has a toga party next. Buy beer if you have to. Report terrorist activities at his address on the given day. -Hixxx"Woman... Wu -mon... Whoa - man! She stole my heart and my cat" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skybytch 273 #41 June 11, 2002 Go hereI deny all knowledge of you, your neighbor, his activities, your activities, etc. I don't know where this url came from, or what is on the site. I refuse to answer any questions regarding any of the above.pull & flare,lisa"Try not. Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda sez Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nacmacfeegle 0 #42 June 11, 2002 "Oh come on y'all surely you can come up with something!"So, this is a trailer right? Can you sling some old meat underneath so it stinks his hoose oot, kinda like the fish idea?I've put fish on peoples' car engine blocks before, next to the air filter for the A/CDoes it have one of those plastic water tanks outside, can you be unpleasant to that?Can you put anything that would itch like hell in his jumpsuit, or laundry, mebbe even leave a little dye in his J/S pocket so when he goes to wash it....... There has to be something you can do along those lines Betsy.....I'm all out of nastiness now.....By the way the bird seed works fine, cos i've done it before. Also put bread on top of someones car. I live in a coast town and the seagulls make a big poop mess as well as pecking the shit out of things......Never, ever, ever cross a Nacmacfeegle, he don't ever get mad, he gets even.........CyaDGR# 37Remember how lucky you are to see and touch the sky; the blind may only dream. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nacmacfeegle 0 #43 June 11, 2002 So, it looks like your lawyer is now posting for you Lisa...CyaDGR# 37Remember how lucky you are to see and touch the sky; the blind may only dream. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
prepheckt 0 #44 June 11, 2002 Here are some good ones....You two are in Eloy right? I live an hour from the DZ. A variation on the lock prank. Squirt liquid silicone into the locks, it'll harden and they'll be locked out. Take some plastic and sheets, powedered sugar. Sneak in, put the plastic on their mattress, then the sugar, make it even, and then put the sheets on top. I doubt with the heat in AZ, anyone uses blankets. Anyway, their body heat will causes the sugar to stick to their skin and melt. In the morning, they'll wake up looking like a glazed doughnut...Blue ones.PM me for more. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bbarnhouse 0 #45 June 11, 2002 Lisa~ you just plain rock!nacmac.........thanx for the suggestions..........[kiss]And once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward...... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fasterfaller 0 #46 June 11, 2002 Order them a load of fresh cow shit and have it dumped on thier drive. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jtval 0 #47 June 12, 2002 ok from the few posts I read it seems you are at the dz and this guy is a prick...hide a hard bioled egg in his vents(crack the egg) in a week if you hide it good enough,he will move. til then piss/spit/sneeze on his door handles, that may is too self degrading so I would skrinkle some tabasco sauce on it. chance are ...he wont know until he has going to the bathroom! THAT's PAYBACK !!but when hes in the bathroom and screaming because " MY GENITALS ARE ON FIRE" it would be funny if he pee'd intothe tiolet but there was celophane over it. now he has pee on the floor, fire on his genitals and he is going for the shower....unscrew the shower head and add a liquid of your choosing deep in the pipe. ink, olive oil, vinegar, more tabasco sauce you get they idea.now the best part. when you expect him home have one of the following happen if you time it right he will be in the middle of his pain.order a pizza,or a call girl or singing telegram, or a PRIEST!to be at his house around that time. somm one who will not go away until he opens the door. like jehova's witnessesor if you know some one who he is interested in have them at your place while this is going down... when you here screaming key in on it but wait til you hear the water running then go over shortly after and (take her with you) see if he is ok. sorry but that is all I could do on short notice...BTW stop beng so nice to himHave fun, Live free, SKYDIVE!!http://community.webshots.com/user/jtval100 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bbarnhouse 0 #48 June 12, 2002 ROFLMAO!!!!And once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward...... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jasmin 0 #49 June 12, 2002 Glad wrap, NOT cellophane, under the toilet seat but over the rim.Tiger balm in his boxers/jock shorts (aww dear, that'll deal with his "Belgian package"....)Boiled egg or dead mouse in the air vents (mousey smell lasts longer and is more deniable...)bird seeds in peanut butter in the gutters (less visible) or rims of van and along the rims of the windows.Order delivered food (get a guy to do) and make sure its of a large quantity (and price)Complain constantly about the foul odour that seems to be hanging about his place....Order him a fat-o-gram or male stripper if you really want to go further, and comment to other jumpers that you didn't realise that *** was into prostitutues (or whatever)I've got a book on taking out revenge, its a little extreme, but definately worth the $10 I paid for it at a 2nd hand book store. I've not used it yet, I hope I never have to....Oh and the fat-o-gram works great when his latest flame is over there....along with the toilet glad wrap and dead mouse.My noisy neighbours would play music (none could play the guitar or bongos, but they tried....ooh and they definately couldn't sing) and have parties every single night of the week (I tolerated it for about 3 months before I finally lost it, and resorted to these desperate measures). They would invite 20 stoned/drunk people back to the flat at 3am on a monday night (when I'm recovering from the weekend, have a 3500 word paper due on radiation dosimetry in 5 hours and have to be at work 80 mile away in 6 hours time...). I'm a party animal but even I have my limits.....Good luck!ps If worst comes to worst, stop cajoling and start threatening... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rhino 0 #50 June 12, 2002 Do what I do when I have loud neighbors.. Play enigma, put the woofer near the wall that they are at, hit repeat and leave town for the weekend.. Works everytime.. Blue Skies ..... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites