kevin922 0 #1 June 10, 2002 I just saw the video located at All I can say is WOW. I would have been scared s*itless after walking away from that. The guy got his reserve out and not 5 seconds later he was on the ground.. amazing.Anyone know any details about this video?Kevin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhreeZone 20 #2 June 10, 2002 There have been a few threads on it. Look in the Safety area from a few weeks ago.If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diverdriver 6 #3 June 10, 2002 Wow....if people are wondering though....this is NOT the video from SDC that I was describing a few weeks ago. That video is a much lower cutaway.Chris Schindler Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slappie 9 #4 June 10, 2002 For the lazy in the crowd http://'s in Quicktime so if you don't have it don't worry about trying to see it.. I've seen it a few times.. I know I'd be shitting in my jumpsuite when I hit the ground realizing how close I was to bouncing.A friend will get you out of jail.A best friend will be the one sitting next to you sayin, "f*king awesome" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hagar 0 #5 June 10, 2002 QuoteMy name is Per Eriksson, my nick is PerFlare, and it is me on the video. I'm one of the guy's in the "Off the mountain ..." also. I don't mind guy's watching the video but please do not say it is a fake, it did not feel like a fake when it happend :-)About the reservride (short version):I did some aggressive canopy control at 400m and I had my wingsuit on. I ended up with a linetwist. When I tried to cut away I did not work. I guess that my rig with softhausing was an issue, me wearing gloves another. I took my gloves of and then did a successful cut away.Then I tried to pull my reserve but was unsuccessful because the wingsuit was in the way. when I finally did get my reservhandle out it was a little bit low. I do not have a cypress or a RSL I was just lucky to get a fast opening and lucky enough to miss a big aircrafthangar. As you can see I did a nice landing and did not have a scratch ...What can I say, sometimes you are just lucky!-Your favorite norwegian post whore wannabe Haeloth is from now on using the slightly more pronouncable nick hagar Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilotdave 0 #6 June 10, 2002 QuoteI'd be shitting in my jumpsuite when I hit the ground realizing how close I was to bouncing.Another one that might wake ya up a little... in the /CRW/ folder, check out CRW&RW_in_one.avi. ( It's about 10 megs. Most of it is a typical CRW jump. They form a stack. Suddenly, a 4 way team, just breaking off, falls right by them. It's CLOSE. I bet at least a few people needed a change of pants and a new outlook on life after that one.Sorry you can't link directly to files anymore (from, anyway). Sangiro, any way of setting up a way to link to ftp:// instead of http? My old server used to forward you if you just used http:// instead but I don't think the new one is capable of that. Andy?Dave Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Icarus021 0 #7 June 10, 2002 SON OF A NUN, i thought my first cut away was low...3-2-1 c-ya Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChromeBoy 0 #8 June 10, 2002 What do you need to view it? I can't download it. Blue Happiness Stuff,Chrome Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sebazz1 2 #9 June 10, 2002 That is infuckingsaneSebazz........ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spy38W 0 #10 June 10, 2002 Get Quicktime. You can download it from a pair of clean shorts around when you watch the video--Come to the dark side Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dumpster 0 #11 June 10, 2002 All I can say is--- DAMN! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
prepheckt 0 #12 June 11, 2002 I agree, I spent most of Saturday watching the clips at, and it was freaky watching that clip. ( I don't have a car, and couldn't find a ride, or borrow a car, so the DZ was out for the weekend) And the weather has finally gotten nice here in Colorado! Anyway, my whuffo roomie, nearly had an heart attack when I showed it to ones Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilotdave 0 #13 June 11, 2002 Quote( I don't have a car, and couldn't find a ride, or borrow a car, so the DZ was out for the weekend)Sounds a lot like why I started the site! Anyone know who had 2 cutaways on a purple cobalt less than a week apart at what looks like cross keys? (cutaway_05-28-02_med.mpg and cutaway_06-03-02_med.mpg) Thanks for the videos!Dave Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jimbo 0 #14 June 11, 2002 QuoteAnyone know who had 2 cutaways on a purple cobalt less than a week apart at what looks like cross keys? (cutaway_05-28-02_med.mpg and cutaway_06-03-02_med.mpg) Thanks for the videos!That's Paul Eriksmoen, or JumpHog. He's one of the video guys out there at CK. It's actually two different Cobalts, a 105 and what I think is an 85. I'm sure he can provide some commentary.-Jim Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JumpHog 0 #15 June 11, 2002 Dave,Both of those cutaways were mine. After nearly 1000 jumps without a cutaway, with over 500 on Cobalts, I ended up having two in a 6 day period (neither packed by me). The first was an unstowed brake line on my Cobalt 105 that instantly spun up. The second one was severe line twists on my Cobalt 85. Unfortunately, both times all of my stuff landed in the woods. After cutting down 3 trees, I was able to recover everything except my freebag on the first cutaway, which is still MIA. Hopefully, I can now go another 1000 jumps without another cutaway. We'll see.Blue Skies,Paul Eriksmoen Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhreeZone 20 #16 June 11, 2002 Paul.... if Mark returns for another jump... RUNAWAY from that video!!!!! That has to rank up there on the weirdness scale....If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilotdave 0 #17 June 11, 2002 Damn. I've been to cross keys a couple times. Dunno how ya find people that land off there. Can't imagine trying to find a canopy or worse yet a freebag. Thanks for sharing! If ya have any videos of successful pack jobs, I like those too. Dave (scuse me while I cross cobalt off my list of future canopies... ) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JumpHog 0 #18 June 11, 2002 Landing off is usually no big deal, as long as you choose your "out" pretty quickly and carry change for a payphone. As for finding "lost parts" in the woods, that gets pretty dificult. I spent two days trying to find my main and freebag after my first cutaway. It gets very dense out there in the woods. Fortunately, I found everything pretty quickly the second time. By the way, don't let those two reserve rides discourage you from buying a Cobalt. Like I said, I have over 500 jumps on Cobalts. Until recently, I had only had line twists a few times, and each time it was no sweat to kick out of. I simply had some bad luck the past week. The first one was an unstowed brake line, which is going to cause any high-performance canopy to do some crazy stuff. The second one was some severe line twists, that I initially made worse by kicking into the twists. Although I did not include the first 20 seconds of that opening in the video (because my head was pinned down and all you see is the ground), I was kicking in the wrong direction, while the canopy (a Cobalt 85, loaded at 2.2) continued to fly straight and level. It was only after I was able to get my head up and see that I had been kicking in the wrong direction, that the canopy began to turn, which progressed into a faster dive. If I had realised that the twists were in the opposite direction than I had thought they were, I probably would have been able to clear them without a problem. By the time I realised my mistake, I was getting very low and simply didn't have any more time to mess with it. Simply put, the Cobalt is the best-opening canopy that I have ever jumped. If packed with a little bit of care, it will constantly open softly and on heading. I fly camera full-time and even after 15+ jump days, my neck feels fine at the end of the day. As long as I am flying camera, I don't plan on jumping any other canopy. I have owned 4 Cobalts, and plan on continuing to buy them as long as Atair keeps making them.Blue Skies,Paul Eriksmoen Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites