
What is the view from your window?

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Need some help with that? I could run around naked in your yard to spice it up a little....

wouldnt there have to be a shaved squirrel running around to get you in the mood?
hello Jasmin,
youre really starting to get around huh? I likes, I likes!:)well acording to the shirtIm wearing(from Picton) work sucks...
so Ill tell ya bout my 3rd floor room window..
I got a view of the Yellow sea just beyond a graasy field where the sunsets everyday. it is really a beautiful sight.
i just wish I could get the F-16's to stop flying passed it.(ill post a pic tomorrow...) its: my dorm a field, the Flight Line then the sea. IT WAS PEACEFUL then VVVVRRROOMMMM! (how do you explain the sound of an F-16 breaking the sound barrier?)

Have fun, Live free, SKYDIVE!!T

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"Drunk yobos on pogo sticks trying to root roos?"
I was at San Marcos a few weeks back, first time (yeah I know I bought some) there so was strolling up to manifest and noticed the usual "No dogs' signs everywhere.
Fair 'nuff thinks I, I clock and nod a hi to some of the Gravity Rat dudes, then recognise Snowhite lounging around topping up his impressive suntan. I have to double take cos the geeza sat next to him has a freakin wallaby on a lead......Well the sign said no dogs....
GR# 37
Remember how lucky you are to see and touch the sky; the blind may only dream.

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My view here is.......trailer, ummmm trailer, um trailer (an occasional man in a towel)....ahhhhhhh mountains...........ooooooo hangar!
In Portland the view is spectacular....green grass, mountains,flowers.........view from my home in Washington.........blue sea......green grass, trees, a variety of birds.......wow! I'm thinking maybe a trip is in order.Wahoooooooo
You want to do WHAAAAAAAT?

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Why don't you just put a mirror in front of yourself? That'll improve the view

Haha, strangely enough, there IS a mirror in front of me! My dad won a drawing at a meeting, and got a free consultation with a Feng Shui guy. We had a picture that had a boat on it up on the wall, but the guy put the mirror up there. I can't remember the reason why. I try not to look up now, but it does come in handy because now I can see Dad coming in the room, and I can quickly get off dz.com!
I'm high as a kite
I just might
Stop and check you out.

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My view is a computer screen with a fortune cookie fortune taped up on it:
The hard times will begin to fade.
Joy will take their place.
You will get a different job.
Wait... I think that third line was my imagination again.
Behind me, I have another cubicle. But I do get to drive home along the Charles River.

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Immediately in front of me, the sales boards hang. I see who is managing to get homes sold, and, on the rare occasion I see my name there, I stare at it, trying to figure out how I managed that one...
But if I turn my head to the left, I can see through the 30 foot windows...see the often blue sky, and the mountains in the distance...see the airplanes at Burbank airport...watching birds flit across the air, doing what I so want to do.
I spend a lot of time looking left.....
Ciels and Pinks-
Life is what you make it; always was, always will be.
~Grandma Moses~

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What window II?
Whiteboard, blank wall to front, overhead shelves to right, wall behind with "Teamwork" poster of guys in a round over Florida I think...wait where's the door?
B| Gemini
... Let go dude! I can't land with you hanging on!...

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My window looks out towards Spaceland (about 30 miles away) from the Junction of highway 6, and Interstate 10 (Houstonites will know where this is).
The cars and trucks whizz (when the Interstate isn't grid locked) past. Some are going Florida, some are going to California. Sometimes I feel like chucking it in here, and joining them.......But which way to go, east or west, thats the problem that confounds me, so I normally just head south to hang with the good folks.
Mebbe manana Gemini.....
GR# 37
Remember how lucky you are to see and touch the sky; the blind may only dream.

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What's a window? The view from my desk is my computer and a wall. To my right are two more desks, computers and a wall. To my left is a fax machine, printer, another desk and computer and a wall. Oh wait... if I turn around 180 degrees there's a window, from which I can see a tree, some bushes, parked cars and a huge stack of large pipes.

This cracked me up. You're very descriptive. I think I can actually visualize your office. Sorry it's so grim, but don't forget, you're a skydiver so you frequently get the best view of them all.:)BTW peeps: The question was about your view from your place of employment, not your home. But since some of you mentioned it, my home has a view of the Berkshire Mountains. So it's always mountains for me.

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I've got an office on the 2nd floor and can see west to where hwy 580 W goes between some hills towards Oakland and San Francisco. Grass, trees, and part of a parking lot before that. Not too bad a view, especially since a lot of people have interior offices with no windows at all.

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